MOD 380

前夫三人行 第3季

The Exes (S3)
一位專打離婚官司的律師Holly Brooks,好心腸的她,常常把名下房子出租給離婚後被前妻榨乾的客戶們。剛離婚想找新住處的客戶 Stuart (David Alan Basche飾)因而搬到了新居和泡妞高手Phil Chase(Donald Faison飾) 和宅男Haskell Bing (Wayne Knight飾)認識。這三位前夫因而起了不少風波和間隙,產生不少笑料。
Divorce attorney Holly (Kristen Johnston) introduces her client, Stuart (David Alan Basche), to his new roommates: two other divorced men who share an apartment that Holly owns. At first Phil (Donald Faison) and Haskell (Wayne Knight) have reservations about Stuart moving in, but Holly is right across the hall to help when things start to go downhill!
