
魔幻騙術大驚奇 第2季

Tricked (S2)
魔幻風暴再起,全新一季再次魅惑人心,天呀,觀眾為之雀躍!來自伯明罕天賦異稟的Ben Hanlin,可以在街頭興風作浪,所到之處都迷倒觀眾,讓人驚訝連連。說他是知名魔術師大衛·布萊恩和戴倫·布朗的綜合體,一點也不過分,帥氣的Ben連名人也不放過,照樣開玩笑把戲。我們來在嘲笑被耍的Simon Webbe,第一季他還把其他Blue的團員全拖下水─所以鐵定要認真看,節目每分鐘每秒真的都不容錯過!

Tricked is back for another mind-blowing season and boy are we excited! Ben Hanlin, the talented up and comer from Birmingham, has been making waves on the streets, confounding and perplexing audiences everywhere! Describing himself as a mix of David Blaine and Derren Brown, handsome Ben has being pulling his stunts on celebrities as well. We’re still laughing at the prank Simon Webbe and him pulled on the rest of the boys from Blue in Season 1. So watch closely - you don’t want to miss a single second of it!


角色介紹 Characters

街頭魔術師Ben Hanlin

Ben Hanlin

Ben Hanlin是一位來自伯明翰的年輕英國魔術師,正因為本節目而聲名大噪。節目中他用拿手的魔術惡整名人和民眾。從2013年十月英國首播,Hanlin形容自己是魔術師大衛·布萊恩和戴倫布朗的混合體。

Ben Hanlin is an English magician from Birmingham who has recently risen to fame from his new ITV2 show Tricked, where he tricks celebrities and the general public through magic and illusion. The series began in October 2013. Hanlin describes himself as a mixture of David Blaine and Derren Brown.