

The Paranormal Zone (S1)
歡迎收看《超自然象限》,根據真實事件調查造訪的紀實探索節目,按照類別探查,發生在馬來西亞各地的不思議和難以解釋的超自然現象。看主持人Li Kim和節目團隊,採訪不同受訪者的超自然境遇。包括與亡者,自然界靈體,與夢境和現實間的溝通,相信者與持疑者都會感受娛樂效果!
Welcome to the Paranormal Zone, a reality-based documentary series exploring the classified, strange and unexplained phenomena across Malaysia. Join host Li Kim and her team as they interview a diverse group of people about their encounters with the supernatural. Exploring communicating with the dead, nature spirits and even dreams and their connections with reality, both believers and cynics alike will be greatly entertained! 


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