
超越時間線 第3季

Continuum (S3)
第三季 Kiera已經被逼到極限,遭Alec背叛後,苦無穿越時空機,她不但無法重返未來世界的家園, 也找不出時間結構損害的問題,陷入四面楚歌的絕境,一邊面臨追捕時光旅人的自由業者,另一邊又是早已為敵方的恐怖組織 Liber8。 她要如何殺出重圍? 時空旅行現在一團混亂, Alec的行動引發了危機, 所有的人都可能失去最珍貴的東西。 
In the third season of Continuum, Kiera is pushed to the limit. Stranded without a time travel device after being betrayed by Alec, she can neither return to her home in the future, nor find out what damage has been done to the fabric of time. She is also left vulnerable to Freelancers, who are after time travelers, and Liber8, a terrorist organisation who she has made her enemy. How will she manage to get out of this? Time travel is a messy business, and Alec’s actions causes everyone to risk what they hold dear.


角色介紹 Characters

未來守護者Kiera Cameron

Rachel Nichols
Rachel Nichols飾演本劇的城市保衛署的保衛者Kiera Cameron,來自未來2077年溫哥華的執法人員,她和反叛恐怖組織Liber8在被處刑前一起被送回現在。由於無法聯絡未來,她加入了溫哥華警局成為警探,用現在的職位和來自未來的科技裝置,追查Liber8的行蹤和阻住他們改變時間軸的計畫。
Rachel Nichols as City Protective Services (CPS) Protector Kiera Cameron, a law enforcement agent from 2077-era Vancouver who was sent back into the past with the members of Liber8 during their escape attempt at their execution. Cut off from her time period, she joins the Vancouver Police Department to pursue Liber8 and thwart their plans to alter the timeline using her new position in the police department and the technology that she brought with her.

年輕時期Alec Sadler

Erik Knudsen
Erik Knudsen演出本劇的年輕時期的Alec Sadler,在成立SadTech前,Alec都宅在電腦實驗室不出門。因此他能夠透握Kiera的體內的生化裝置保持聯繫,他會發現這其實這來自於他日後的發明。
Erik Knudsen as the young Alec Sadler. As a teenager, before he went on to found SadTech, Alec is reclusive and prefers to spend time in his computer lab; there, he is able to communicate with Kiera through her cybernetic implants, which he discovers to be based on his own inventions.

Matthew Kellog

Stephen Lobo
Stephen Lobo飾演Stephen Lobo,是恐怖組織Liber8的前任成員。他離開了Liber8希望能夠運用他對未來的知識來幫自己在現代過著富裕生活。
 Stephen Lobo as Matthew Kellogg, a former member of Liber8. Kellog deserts from the group in Season One and hopes to build a new and wealthy life for himself in the past using his knowledge of the future.

Travis Verta

Roger Cross
Roger Cross飾演本劇的Travis Verta,為恐怖組織Liber8成員和一位超級士兵。是Kagame的左右手和Sonya的愛人。在Kagame死後,他開始反抗Kagame的繼承者Valentine,開始使用越來越暴力手段,並且招募罪犯加入組織。
Roger Cross as Travis Verta, a member of Liber8 and super-soldier, Kagame's right-hand man and lover of Sonya Valentine. After Kagame's death, he was opposed to Valentine, Kagame's designated successor, seeking more violent methods and recruiting criminals into his version of Liber8.

Sonya Valentine

Lexa Doig
Lexa Doig飾演Sonya,是Liber8組織的成員,男友為Travis Verta,在首領Kagame過世後,她成為正式繼承者。她希望能使用非暴力和招募中產和勞工階級成為成員,進而改造世界。
Lexa Doig as Sonya Valentine, a member of Liber8 and lover of Travis Verta who is designated Kagame's official successor as leader after his death, and now seeking to reform the world through ideas rather than violence, and recruiting middle and working class people into her version of Liber8.