The Emmy® and Peabody® Award-winning, animated series, South Park is created by comic geniuses Trey Parker and Matt Stone, features the breathtakingly irreverent and ruthlessly funny misadventures of four foul-mouthed, troublemaking young boys in a small town nestled in the Colorado Rockies. It has been praised by the prestigious Peabody® committee as "COMEDY CENTRAL's notoriously rude, undeniably fearless lampoon of all that is self-important and hypocritical in American life, regardless of race, creed, color or celebrity status." We couldn't agree more. Now in its 16th season, South Park continues to surprise even its most devoted fans each and every week. Known for its unbelievably immediate and ruthless responses to world events, South Park new episodes bring up-to-the-minute news and pop culture icons (including Al Gore, J. Lo, Oprah, Sir Elton John, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and P. Diddy) to the town of South Park for social commentary and good old-fashioned ridicule.