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Knife Fight (S1)
廚房見真章: 《頂尖主廚大對決》是美食廚藝的超級戰場,Ilan Hall在第二季脫穎而出奪得冠軍。現在他將在自己的飲食節目中,以風趣機智的方式舉辦他的廚藝競賽。趁他洛杉磯餐廳休業時間,他大方開放他的廚房,每週邀請兩位參賽廚師,使用神秘食材,做出佳餚。圍觀群眾則手握啤酒,屏息觀看比賽,而受邀的明星評審們則有機會一嘗美食。廚師爐火一開,隨著廚師在僅有的一個小時的時間限制內,翻炒鍋子,觀眾腎上腺素保證節節升高。而獎項為何?就是他的廚藝受到大大認可,能夠自誇與一夜狂歡。《食神大對決》提供了一個大眾推崇的君子之戰的競賽平台與絕佳美食。


Kitchen skirmish: Top Chef was a gastronomic battlefield of epic proportions and Chef Ilan Hall was crowned the winner of season 2. Now he’s back with his own take on a culinary cook-off, but with a fun casual twist. He opens up the kitchen of his restaurant in downtown LA after opening hours, to host two different chefs every week as they compete to make the best dishes from mystery ingredients.  A crowd gathers to watch the battle with bated breath and beer in hand, while a host of celebrity judges get to sample the spoils. The adrenaline heats up when the stoves do as the chefs race against the time limit of just one hour. The prize? Nothing but bragging rights and a fun night out. Knife Fight is for all fans of friendly competition and genuinely good grub.


角色介紹 Characters


Giovanni Reda

道地的紐約出身紐約長大的紐約客,Giovanni Reda在一個義大利後裔大家庭裡長大,養成日後對美食、喜劇和滑板的喜愛…,這三件日後他最為人所熟知的事物。之後由於他對於運動的獨到眼光和認識漸漸為人所知,他開始拍攝一些世界知名的滑板客,接些國際組織機構的案子,包括Transworld Skateboarding, Thrasher Magazinec和Skateboarder,在1996已經這些單位的資深攝影師,並且是在世界滑板圈的國際知名人士。

A born and bred New Yorker, Giovanni Reda spent his early years in the midst of a gregarious Italian family in Brooklyn, where he first experienced his love of food, comedy and skateboarding… three things which would be the defining elements of his future professional success.  His reputation for a unique eye and understanding of the sport grew and he began to shoot some the world’s best skateboarders. Freelance opportunities with such international publications as Transworld Skateboarding, Thrasher Magazine and Skateboarder began to occur. By 1996, he was a senior photographer for Transworld, and an international name in the skating world.


Ilan Hall

Ilan Hall是現今最具影響力的年輕廚師之一。為《頂尖主廚大對決》第2季的冠軍,在洛杉磯鬧區開設餐廳The Gorbals。擔任這個美國Esquire Network所製作的全新廚藝競賽類型節目的主持人。餐廳打烊時間,搖身一變成美食版鬥陣俱樂部,Ilan的廚師朋友將一決勝負。Ilan的廚藝深受各方影響,接觸領域很廣泛,看參賽者所使用的各種稀奇食材就可以了解他深奧的背景。蘇格蘭和以色列血統移民後裔,還有東歐文化背景,從小時候開始就接觸歐洲、中東,南美與亞洲各國料理,養成其兼容並蓄,多元樣貌的料理功力。

Ilan Hall is one of the most innovative young chefs of our time. Best known for winning Season 2 of DIVA’s Top Chef, he is also owner of The Gorbals in downtown Los Angeles. Now, he’s the host of Knife Fight, a gritty new cooking competition show on the Esquire Network, featuring after-hours cooking bouts between Ilan’s chef friends in The Gorbals kitchen.  Ilan’s culinary influences are as varied and far-reaching as the obscure ingredients the contestants on his show are cooking with. The child of Scottish and Israeli immigrants with roots in Eastern Europe, Ilan was exposed at an early age to foods in Europe and the Middle East, as well as South America and Asia.