MOD 264


Smile (S1)
2015/7/8起 每週三 21:00首播
想像一下,因為牙齒嚴重受損,你無法微笑,無法約會,無法工作,甚至無法離開家,就是因為你的牙齒問題和令人崩潰的焦慮感。本節目將探索當這些人得到一生中難得一次的機會 - 能微笑的機會,會發生什麼?我們將真實記錄他們在努力改變人生的過程中所經歷的情感起伏和心理跌宕。
Imagine having teeth so damaged that you can't smile, can't date, can’t work and can't even leave the house due to the state of your teeth and crushing anxiety. Smile explores what happens when these people are offered the chance of a lifetime -  the chance to smile, documenting the emotional and psychological journeys of people attempting to change their lives.