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主持人-McKenzie Westmore
McKenzie Westmore
美國女演員和歌手,最為人知的角色是主演連續劇 “Passions” (1999-2008)當中的Sheridan Crane Lopez-Fitzgerald,和由Galen Gering飾演的Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald演出對手戲。從2011年開始擔任本節目的主持人。父親Michael Westmore是國寶級的特效化妝大師。
An American actress and singer most popular for having played the role of Sheridan Crane Lopez-Fitzgerald on the television soap opera Passions from 1999 to 2008. To fans of Passions, Sheridan is well known for her popular pairing with Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, portrayed by Galen Gering. Since 2011, Westmore has served as the presenter of the Syfy original series Face Off, a reality competition featuring makeup artists competing for $100,000. Her father Michael Westmore is one of the most important makeup artists in Hollywood.