

Supernatural: The Animation
首部電視影集改編成動畫!依據前兩季內容改編,共享共同的故事背景和世界觀。原本飾演影集的主角傑瑞·帕達里基(Jared Padalecki)和詹森·艾克爾斯(Jensen Ackles)都將為動畫角色配音。原本的影集劇情延伸出更多內容以及傳說怪談,這對最強鬼神兄弟檔動畫版一樣大顯神威。
Spinoff/Based on the successful television series, the highly anticipated animated series shares the same universe as its live-action original.  Introducing each episode are the original series stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles who also provide voice-over talent (Padalecki on all episodes; Ackles on the final two). With the full support of the cast, crew and creator of Supernatural, the anime version explores many side stories connected to the series as well as a thrilling new adventure unlike anything you've ever seen before.


角色介紹 Characters

Sam Winchester

Jared Padalecki
Sam的抓鬼兄弟檔的弟弟。是Winchester夫妻的第二個孩子,小哥哥四歲。 小時候Sam和哥哥Dean因為爸爸去追捕超自然生物和尋找殺害媽媽的殺人兇手,每幾個禮拜都要搬家。Sam一直以為媽媽死於車禍而爸爸是四處旅行的商人,一直到八歲Dean才告訴他超自然生物的存在。到十二歲的時候他開始和爸爸哥哥一起獵捕超自然生物。然而他很想回到沒有超自然生物的正常生活。
Sam is one of two focal characters of the series. He is the couple's second child, four years younger than his older brother Dean.  Sam and Dean spent their childhood moving from town to town every few weeks while their father hunted supernatural beings and their mother's unknown killer. Until the age of 8, Sam believed that his mother had died in a car accident and his father was a traveling salesman, until Dean revealed to him the existence of the paranormal. Sam apparently started hunting alongside his brother and father around the age of twelve, however, he began wanting a normal life without monsters.

Dean Winchester

Jensen Ackles
Dean和他的弟弟Sam一同搭檔獵捕超自然生物,有時候他們的朋友和如同爸爸的大叔Bobby Singer也會加入獵捕行列。 當爸爸John調查妻子Mayr的死因時,開始接觸了解到超自然生物,以及追捕的獵人,於是自己也變成了超自然生物獵人,並且開始訓練Dean成為一位獵人。這件事變成兩人間的秘密,直到弟弟Sam八歲時才得知。Winchester一家經常遊蕩落腳在全美各地,包括汽車旅館或是John的同行獵人朋友的家裡。而由於爸爸常不在家去獵捕,照顧Sam的責任就落在Dean的頭上。
Dean hunts demons, spirits and other supernatural creatures with his younger brother Sam, occasionally their friend and father figure Bobby Singer.  His father, John began investigating the cause of Mary's death and in that course learned about the supernatural and the people who hunted them. John became a hunter himself, and trained Dean to be one as well, though both hid the supernatural from Sam until he was 8 years old. The Winchesters constantly moved around the country, living in motels and the homes of John's hunter friends. Dean had a large hand in raising Sam due to John's constantly being away to hunt.