MOD 620

食神大對決 第4季

Knife Fight (S4)
2016/8/29起 週一到週三21:25首播

兩位大廚與三種神祕的食材,營造一整個小時的暢快對決時光。 兩位天才主廚將PK對決,爭取最佳廚師頭銜。在一個小時內要利用神秘食材,至少做出兩道佳餚,他們必須使出渾身解數,驚艷在場的名人佳賓與廚藝高手!誰能傲視群倫,誰又意外落馬?敬請鎖定觀賞新一季的《食神大對決》。

One hour, two chefs, three mystery ingredients and one hell of a good time. Two talented chefs go head-to-head to prove who the better cook is. With only an hour to prepare at least two dishes with a combination of secret ingredients, these chefs have to impress celebrity judges and culinary experts! Who won bragging rights and who almost won them? Tune in to Knife Fight to find out! 
