MOD 620

我的夢幻婚紗:亞特蘭大篇 第8季

Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8)
在全新一季的《我的夢幻婚紗: 亞特蘭大篇》,尋找完美的夢想新娘禮服還是主題,敬請鎖定觀賞婚紗女王洛莉艾倫和時尚大師蒙提德倫使出渾身解數, 幫新娘選擇完美的夢想婚紗。 
The search for the perfect dress continues in this brand new season of Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta. Follow Lori Allen and Monte Durham as they help these brides choose the wedding dress of their dreams. 
