MOD 620

荒唐分局 第2季

Brooklyn 9-9 (S2)
隨著第一季尾的爆笑結局後,觀眾期盼觀看到更多的分局團隊故事和惡搞蠢事。Santiago 和Peralta之間剛萌芽的戀曲會有怎麼樣的發展呢?Boyle和Gina之間到底發生了什麼事?第二季號稱會有一些相當有才氣的新來賓客串,包括凱拉·塞吉薇克和珍妮·斯蕾特,你有權利保持沈默,憋笑觀賞本劇!
After the hilarious conclusion of Season 1, we’re aching for more of the Nine-Nine and their shenanigans. What will become of Santiago and Peralta’s budding romance? What really happened between Boyle and Gina? Season 2 also boasts some seriously talented new guests including Kyra Sedgwick and Jenny Slate so you have the right to remain silent and watch this show!


角色介紹 Characters

Detective Jake Peralta

Andy Samberg
A talented but childish detective. It is revealed that his father abandoned him and his mother when he was very young.

Captain Ray Holt

Andre Braugher
The 99th Precinct's strict new Commanding Officer. The Nine-Nine is Holt's first command despite many years of outstanding service, something he attributes to prejudice against him being gay. He has a husband, whose name is Kevin.

Sergeant Terry Jeffords

Terry Crews
警探小組的組長,以前過重的時候,曾和Holt一起共事過,當時的綽號叫做"Terry Titties"。一年前他雙胞胎女兒Cagney 和Lacey出生(依照經典警察影集名稱命名)後,他開始失常和工作慾望,因為擔心小孩會失去爸爸。
The detective squad's leader. He previously worked with Holt at another precinct where he was overweight and was given the nickname "Terry Titties". A year prior to the show's beginning, following the birth of twin baby girls named Cagney and Lacey, a reference to the classic police procedural show Cagney & Lacey, he suffered a breakdown of sorts where he "lost his edge" and any desire to work in the field due to a fear of losing his life and leaving his children without a father.

Detective Charles Boyle

Joe Lo Truglio
A nervous, clumsy but honest and hard-working detective who has a crush on Detective Diaz. He is divorced from his wife, who had numerous affairs during their marriage.