史考特和艾咪揚西說話粗魯,敢於冒險,他們組建了一支房屋翻新團隊,在拉斯維加斯翻新房屋,而他們的風格就是賭城的風格 - 敢於押上一切。斯考特想通過翻新房屋在拉斯維加斯開創一份不同的事業,他們致力於將社區裡難看異常的房屋改造成為流光溢彩並尤其適合第一次購房者的華屋。
Flipping Vegas follows Scott and Amie Yancey, a tough-talking, risk-taking house flipping team who are gambling everything on Vegas as they flip houses Vegas style. Scott tries to make a difference in Las Vegas by flipping houses that have become eyesores in their communities, transforms them into wonderful starter homes for the first time buyer.