
鬼影見證人 第2季

Paranormal Witness (S2)
靈異故事: 緊張刺激,絕對讓你如同實際體驗全美各地猛鬼故事,包括加州鬧鬼的閣樓, 和奧瑞岡的古董店。這些全是有人接觸過超自然現象,真實目擊呈現的故事。 年輕媽媽的身體裡寄宿了一個老人的靈魂。惡靈從酒櫃被放了出來,樵夫遭到外星人綁架。觀賞這些令人毛骨悚然的故事時,別忘了找個朋友,關上門一起觀賞,保證你的眼睛絕對緊盯螢幕,久久不能離去。
Spooky stories: Expect nothing less than a thrill ride that takes you all over America, from a haunted attic in California to an antique store in Oregon. These are real-life eyewitness accounts from everyday people who have had encounters with the supernatural. A young mother’s body is inhabited by the spirit of an old man. A Dybbuk unleashed from a wine cabinet. An alien abduction of a logger. Grab a buddy and lock the doors as you dive into these stories so inexplicable and horrifying, you won’t be able to look away.
