

Cold Case (S1)
女警探Lilly Rush 與他的費城重案小組,鍥而不捨地揭露真相,專門偵查沒有線索而膠著以久的案件和多年前發生而未破的懸案。敬請鎖定觀賞她與小組如何讓正義得以伸張(雖然晚了一步),重審塵封已久的證據,找尋有塵封祕密的證人,讓舊傷口重新打開,接受審查檢測。 
In her epic quest to uncover the truth, Detective Lilly Rush, of the Philadelphia Homicide Squad, specializes in “cold cases” or crimes from the past that have remained unsolved. Watch as she and her team deliver (much-delayed) justice, taking on aging evidence, finding witnesses with buried secrets and prying open old wounds in the process.


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