MOD 620

菜鳥警察 第2季

Rookie Blue (S2)

全新一季的《菜鳥警察》中,Andy、Dov、Chris、Traci和Gail已經結束訓練階段。他們更有經驗,準備好要面對更艱難的挑戰,他們也了解到要在工作上有優異表現,一切得要腳踏實地,按部就班,絕無捷徑。 而且當你還是一位生嫩的菜鳥員警時,有時候有一點專業知識會是件危險的事。在前七個月時接受訓練時,他們學著如何當一名警察,學著命令別人、踹門,飆車追緝、開槍射擊、保護人民,並且搶救同僚。他們已經學到遠超過他們想像的現實情況,深刻體認到一個初生之犢所犯下的錯誤可能會害死自己或別人的生命。接下來的七個月,他們會將繼續執行勤務,這次一定會更好!

In the brand new season of Rookie Blue the training wheels are off for Andy McNally, Dov Epstein, Chris Diaz, Traci Nash and Gail Peck. They’re more experienced and ready to kick some serious butt. But they are also realising that when it comes to getting good at this job, there are no shortcuts. And when you’re a rookie officer, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. In their first seven months walking the proverbial beat, they’ve learned how to be cops. They’ve talked people down, kicked in doors, driven fast, shot guns, kept people safe and saved each other in the process. They’ve experienced at learning curve that’s steeper than they ever imagined, and they’ve learned first-hand that a rookie mistake could cost them their life – or someone else’s. In their next seven months on the job they’ll do it again, only….better.



角色介紹 Characters

Gail Peck

Charlotte Sullivan

家庭壓力及工作上的不幸對Gail Peck來說並不是一件新鮮事。當她的同僚知道她來自警察世家時,她就算抵擋得住這些刻板印象,卻逃不過任人唯親的嫌疑。今年Gail面臨的壓力會更加嚴峻。她將會面對母親在她工作崗位上的出現、她與同儕間的關係轉變、不公平的指控,以及揮之不去的問題—究竟她想從工作上得到甚麼?她是否命中注定是個惹人厭或成為笑柄?

Family pressure and professional mishaps are nothing new to Gail Peck. She weathered the storm when her colleagues learned about her cop-royalty lineage, but she still can’t escape suspicions of nepotism. She’s bonded with her fellow rookies – but that doesn’t mean she’s not still out for number one. This year, the tension for Gail will be kicked up a notch. With her defense mechanisms firmly in place, Gail will face her mother’s presence in her workplace, her own changing relationships with her peers, unfair accusations -- and lingering questions about what she really wants out of the job.




Chris Diaz

Travis Milne

Chris已經適應在大城市維持治安,不再是那個來自Timmins的天真警察。他仍然渴望逮捕壞人及做好事,但事實並非容易。生活上的衝擊在今年裡接踵而來。他將要決定「正確的事」是代表什麼。正如他們所言,好心做壞事。更糟的是,他與好友Dov及女友Gail Peck的關係將會受到前所未有的考驗。

Chris Diaz is no longer the wide-eyed rookie from Timmins. This year, life attacks from all angles. Chris survived a difficult childhood and put it behind him – but that doesn’t mean it won’t rear its ugly head. Ethical choices will force this good guy to decide what exactly ‘the right thing’ means; and his good intentions will land him in hot water. Worst of all, his relationships with best friend Dov and girlfriend Gail will be tested like never before.

Dov Epstein

Gregory Smith

Dov Epstein最終脫離了隊伍,嘗試靠著自己的能力成為一名主要警官。但Dov對於成為好警察的渴望卻令他在工作上變得不計後果。他開始明白不是所有罪案都能夠解決,受害者也未必願意接受幫忙。他也開始明白到要成為一名警官,就要接受工作上不能改變的事情。Dov仍然與他的好友Chris Diaz同住。當Chris的女友Gail Peck (Dov的長期敵人)搬過來和他們同住時,Dov無法控制對她的敵意。

As Dov starts to learn that not every crime can be solved he’s also starting to realise that part of growing as an officer is accepting the things about the job that you can’t change. Dov still lives with his best friend and wingman Chris Diaz. And when Gail, Chris’s girlfriend and Dov’s long-time enemy, moves in with the boys, Dov can’t contain his animosity for her. But as Dov starts to see the world of policing through more mature eyes, he also starts to see those closest to him differently too – specifically Gail.

Traci Nash

Enuka Okuma


Traci Nash is not a woman who gives up easily, and setting up house with her son’s baby daddy just seemed like the right thing to do for everyone. Unfortunately, life just isn’t that simple when you’re working with your ex-flame. As Traci works to hone her skills as a policewoman, she’ll figure out what she really wants from her life and from her job.

Andy McNally

Missy Peregrym

Andy McNally是一個處於充滿危險性及戲劇性的世界中的新警員。警校訓練結束後,她已準備好迎接朝她而來的新挑戰。但本季她將發現工作以外的混亂也難以逃避。無論她是喬裝、制伏罪犯,還是與連環殺手面對面交涉,她發現愈快找出如何處理突發狀況愈好。本季是Andy在情路上及工作上的混亂期。無論哪樁都是一件危險的事情。

After prevailing through the rougher patches of her first year as a rookie officer, Andy is ready to step up and tackle any challenge coming her way. She is in a seemingly perfect and un-complicated relationship with Homicide Detective Luke Callaghan and she’s finally put aside the undeniable chemistry she’s got going with Training Officer Sam Swarek. For once, she’s chosen with her head, not her heart.