
莫德克事件簿 第3季

The Murdoch Mysteries (S3)

當福爾摩斯遇到CSI犯罪現場:William Murdoch(Yannick Bisson飾)警探不僅僅是一個普通的偵探,在1890年代,他採用最具時代尖端的採證技術解決諸多可怕的懸案。Murdoch在一名極度希望獲得保守維多利亞社會認可的女驗屍官Julia Ogden博士協助下,Murdoch充滿遠見的破案手法,正如同他破獲的懸案一樣令人難以捉摸理解。本季劇情一開始,記憶一片空白的Murdoch在英國的Bristol街道上徘徊,他如何找回遺忘的過去,並且面臨比起以往更為複雜的挑戰,必須運用智慧來幫助自己洗脫罪名。本季的調查包括一樁共濟會教堂裡的謀殺案,牽扯出一個秘密社團、無價的Rembrandt油畫竊盜案,以及一名年輕女子深陷維多利亞時代情色地獄遭到謀殺,以上種種只是急待Murdoch破解的諸多罪案之一。而當一個長時間被隱瞞的秘密浮上檯面時,Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy飾)必須在繼續留下來還是到美國從事新工作,這讓莫德克面臨此生最大的挑戰,如何贏回他此生摯愛的芳心。

In the 1890’s Police Inspector William Murdoch uses unheard of forensics to solve gruesome mysteries aided by female coroner Dr. Julia Ogden. In season 3, William (Yannick Bisson, “Too Late to Say Goodbye”) finds himself in Bristol, England with no memory of who he is and being pursued by the British authorities accusing him of murder. Murdoch must use all his wiles to get back home and prove himself innocent.  This season, investigations take William into the disturbing world of Eugenics, the murky realm of art theft, the circus and the Freemasons. When a long-buried secret bubbles to the surface, Dr Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy, Durham County), suddenly faces the choice of staying or heading for a new job in America, forcing Murdoch to confront his greatest challenge, to win back the love of his life.


角色介紹 Characters

警官George Crabtree

Johnny Harris


Murdoch's assistant Constable Crabtree is, however inexperienced, often provides useful insights into cases and does much of the forensic legwork collecting evidence. He is eager, but has yet to master Murdoch's more advanced scientific skills. He isn't much of a serious character, because he often says random things that he thinks will help Murdoch solve the case, but really do not.


博士Julia Ogden

Helene Joy


Doctor Ogden is a skilled pathologist and coroner. The first of two sisters, she apparently was a tomboy in her youth. It has been revealed her mother is dead, she has a strained relationship with her father, and she has a criminal record for being caught skinny dipping with some university colleagues.It is revealed she became accidentally pregnant, when in university and terminated it; this causes a horrified Murdoch to end his relationship with her. She enjoys tennis, reading, cycling and attending the theatre.

巡官Thomas Brackenreid

Thomas Craig


Inspector Brackenreid is a married man of about forty, fond of the theatre and a good drink. He is the head of the stationhouse and does most of the interrogating, often forming opinions on a suspect because of personal impressions or their social standing. Quick to anger and tenacious, with a sarcastic sense of humour, he is better at traditional "coppering" and is very proud of his job, and what he feels is his duty to protect the city.

探長莫德克William Murdoch

Yannick Bisson


Detective Murdoch is an intelligent, observant detective who uses unusual (for the time) techniques such as blood testing and fingerprinting. Throughout the series it is revealed he comes from Nova Scotia and is a devout Roman Catholic. Due to being educated by Jesuit Priests, Murdoch is fluent in French. In one episode it is revealed that he believes that his father beat his mother and may have indirectly caused her death, although this was proven incorrect. Following that incident, he was taken to live in an orphanage.