
法網遊龍:英國 第2季

Law & Order: UK (S2)
打擊罪案…在最新一季的《法網遊龍:英國》,英國街頭最機智的Matt Devlin 及 Ronnie Brooks 警探重回倫敦罪案滔天的街道。深入倫敦的街道發現這裏充滿犯罪案件,令人震驚。閉路電視拍攝到一班進行兒童引誘及虐嬰的歹徒導致一名嬰孩死亡,這案件困擾團隊,亦踐踏到他們對同情及寬恕的底線。連環罪犯沒有受到司法制度制裁,繼續享有自由,刑事檢控專員James Steel及Alesha Philips 不惜一切,要將罪犯定罪。團隊將利用敏銳觸覺及性感的英國口音一同打擊罪案。

Back on the beat… Street-smart Brit detectives Matt Devlin and Ronnie Brooks return to the grimy streets of London in the latest season of Law & Order UK. Running deep within the underbelly of London are crimes, which will shock you to the core. The CCTV footage of a toddler, lured to his death by children, will haunt the team and force them to question the limits of compassion and forgiveness. And, when a serial offender keeps slipping through the legal system and walking free, Crown Prosecutor’s James Steel and Alesha Philips stop at nothing to finally get a conviction. Busting crimes with sharp wit and sexy British accents? Yes, please.


角色介紹 Characters

Detective Superintendent Ronnie Brooks

Bradley Walsh


DS Ronnie Brooks is a lively and lovable copper from London’s East End.  Drawing on his decades of experience in the force, Ronnie is able to lead complex investigations with a cool head. His genuine insight into the human condition makes him a brilliant interrogator and reader of people. Ronnie’s a force for good – and everyone who has ever worked with him adores him.  A recovering alcoholic, Ronnie drank his way through two marriages and the distancing of two daughters but has found peace and meaning in his work. He is socially liberal, a man of great tolerance: but he’s also a realist about life.  He loves working with Matt. Ronnie sees Matt as a bit of a surrogate son, best friend and confidante.

Matt Devlin

Jamie Bamber


Cheeky and charming, Matt’s policing instinct is second to none.  He loves being a copper and looks up to Ronnie as both a colleague and a friend. In equal parts a force to be reckoned with and a good-looking playboy, Matt brings energy and optimism to the partnership.  Hardworking, efficient and thorough, Matt has a traditional view of the law: but he’ll also push past the rule of procedure when he feels his cause is just. He has a black and white view of the law and has no sympathy for people who commit crimes, whatever their circumstances might have been.  Inseparable now for five years, Matt and Ronnie are mischievous when they are together: each recognises the twinkle in the other’s eye and they’re known at the station as Morecambe and Wise.

Natalie Chandler

Harriet Walter

DI Natalie Chandler是位好老闆和好人。她掌握權力,但也忠於下屬Ronnie和Matt。身為一位得上班工作的母親,Natalie知道如何督促、掌控,並且永遠公正公平和專注。當身旁周遭都失去理智,慌亂成一團時,她能夠保持冷靜。心胸寬大,能設身處地為人著想,有同理心,但她知道為了這追求公正的刑警工作何時必須暫時拋開自己的同理心。

DI Natalie Chandler is a great boss and a good people person.  She leaves no uncertainty about who is in charge but she’s fiercely loyal to Ronnie and Matt. As a working mum, Natalie knows how to motivate and how to discipline them and is always fair and focused.  She’s able to be dispassionate when all around her are losing their heads. She has a huge heart and is extraordinarily empathetic – but she knows how and when to switch that off, for the good of the job and for the benefit of good, impartial police work.

James Steel

Ben Daniels

資深皇家檢察官 Steel在工作上亟度投注心力,為追查案件背後的真相,他犧牲不少私人時間,是個工作狂,雖說原本並非想要進入皇家檢察署工作,但他兒子的出生和一件重大的性侵案讓他決定從一位辯護律師轉行改當檢察官。

Steel’s devotion to his work is unprecedented and pursuing the truth in every case leaves little personal time. The Crown Prosecution Service wasn’t always his calling though, the birth of his son and a tough rapist case caused him to change his role from defense counsel.

Alesha Phillips

Freema Agyeman

檢察官Alesha Phillips和James Steel一同共事,是刑警和CPS間的橋樑。由母親在 Hackney的國宅扶養長大,Alesha懂得用鋼鐵般堅定的決心和努力的態度來贏得自己的工作。她的出身背景讓她能夠以一般人的角度看事件。不像James,Alesha了解艱困的環境對人們生活的影響,而真相總是模糊不清、複雜而有時候對事情沒有任何幫助。她的使命就是幫助中下階層,被剝奪權利,鮮少有人關注的族群發聲。即便有時可能會惹禍上身,她不害怕說出自己的心聲。聰明絕頂,滿腔熱血的她,誓言要盡己所能幫助這些族群,維護社會正義!

Crown Prosecutor Alesha Phillips works closely with James Steel, bridging the gap between the police and the CPS.  Brought up by her mother on a council estate in Hackney, Alesha has earned her position with steely determination and hard work.  Her background gives her an insight into how legal issues play out at street level. Unlike James, Alesha understands that desperate circumstances can shape people’s lives and that the truth is murky, complex and sometimes unhelpful.  Her mission is to give a voice to the disenfranchised, the people who are rarely heard. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, even when it gets her in trouble. She has a ferocious intellect, allied with enormous passion.