

The Andromeda Strain
消滅致命異形病毒: 改編自Michael Crichton最暢銷的同名小說,電影講述美國政府衛星墜落在一個小鎮,並帶來致命的外星微生物,讓空氣中充滿病毒。病毒可令人一瞬間身亡,倖存者亦會變成瘋狂及暴力的殭屍。5名科學家前往研究病毒。美國總統下令將小鎮炸毀,但科學家發現爆破只會造成病毒生長得更快。一如以往,這又是專家拯救地球的時候。
Attack of the alien killer virus: A retelling of Michael Crichton’s best-selling novel, Andromeda Strain follows the deadly path of an alien microorganism that hitches a ride to earth on a US government satellite, which crashes near a small town. The extraterrestrial bug mutates into an airborne virus that inflicts instant, gruesome deaths, and turns the rare survivors into insane, violent and suicidal zombies.A team of five scientists is sent in to study the virus, dubbed Andromeda. When the President of the United States orders a tactical strike that will blow the town to bits, taking Andromeda with it, the scientists realize that the blast will only make the virus grow at an exponential rate—and they must stop the virus before bio-terror seizes the land. As always, it’s up to the geeks to save the day.

