MOD 380


Anger Management
喜劇中心頻道亞洲獨家播出。金獎演員查理辛重返電視影集。本劇中查理辛扮演一位顛覆傳統的專門負責「憤怒情緒管理」的治療師Charlie,在成為情緒管理治療師前,他是一支即將前往大聯盟的棒球隊球員,卻因為自身的憤怒情緒管理問題而受挫,無法如願。除了他的病患們的狀況,他得處理自身生活裡的混亂和憤怒的情緒問題,包括和他自己的治療師兼最好的朋友(Selma Blair飾)的關係,還有他過於樂天但總是選錯男人,常惹風波的前妻(Shawnee Smith飾),還有他們患有強迫症的十三歲女兒(Daniela Bobadilla飾)。

 Award-winning actor Charlie Sheen makes his return to series television. In Anger Management, Sheen stars as ”Charlie,” a non-traditional therapist specializing in anger management.  Charlie thrives on the chaos in his life while still battling his own anger issues. His life is complicated by his relationships with his own therapist/best friend (Selma Blair), an ex-wife whose positive outlook but poor choice in men frustrates Charlie (Shawnee Smith), and their 13-year-old daughter who has OCD (Daniela Bobadilla).
