MOD 627


Murder in Sainte Baume
3/14,週五 22:00


Language: French



在離開20年後,Fred Carel 艦長回到他成長的小鎮普羅旺斯。他與Sara重逢,Sara是他高中時期的朋友,現在已經是當地憲兵隊的中尉。兩人一起調查了Antoine的死亡。Antoine因被數十隻蜜蜂蜇傷而死,而他對蜜蜂蜇傷過敏。儘管這可能只是一個悲劇性的事故,尤其是在這個以養蜂著名的地區,但一些可疑的線索引起了 Fred 和Sara的警覺,所有的線索都指向了 Chloé、Anaïs 和 Géraldine Portal,三代女性,來自當地一個顯赫的家族。

首先是蜜蜂巢的非法交易,這已經蔓延了好幾個月,令包括 Portals 家族在內的養蜂人們都感到焦慮。更重要的是,受害者的身份:20年前,安托萬·貝爾尼耶是唯一幸存者之一,當時發生了一起致命的公交車事故,幾乎奪走了當地整個青年足球隊的生命。Chloé、Anaïs 和 Géraldine Portal 分別失去了她們的父親、丈夫和兒子。Fred Carel 也是這輛公交車上的乘客,正是安托萬·貝爾尼耶救了他的命。



Producer:David Kodsi, Anna Medveczky, Julien Rouch

Production Co:      Kien Productions, France Televisions



After 20 years of absence, Captain Fred Carel returns to the small town of Provence where he grows up. With Sara, his former high school friend who became a lieutenant in the local gendarmerie, he must investigate Antoine's death. Antoine, killed by dozens of bee stings to which he was allergic. It might just be a sad accident in this beekeeping region, but several suspicious elements call out to Fred and Sara. All converge on Chloé, Anaïs and Géraldine Portal, three generations of women from an eminent family in the region.

First, there is the beehive trafficking that has been rampant for several months and has put beekeepers - including the Portals - on edge. Above all, there is the identity of the victim: 20 years ago, Antoine Bernier was one of the only survivors of the tragic bus accident that claimed the lives of almost the entire local youth football team. Chloé, Anaïs and Geraldine Portal respectively lost their father, their husband and their son. Fred Carel was also on this bus. And it is to Antoine Bernier that he owes his life.

Director:        Lou Younet

Producer:       David Kodsi, Anna Medveczky, Julien Rouch

Production Co:      Kien Productions, France Televisions

Cast:             Nicolas Gob, Lea François, Eva Darlan, Selma Kouchy

Kim Higelin