MOD 627


Heavenly Nomadic
12/8,週日 21:00

在吉爾吉斯坦嚴酷但美麗的高原上,三代遊牧馬牧民在這片土地上過著自己的生活——一對年邁的夫婦,他們的寡婦媳婦沙依爾(Shayir)和她的 granddaughter。沙依爾的兒子被城市誘惑而離開,每當他偶爾回來,大家都清楚他再也不會回到遊牧生活。當一位附近露營的氣象學家對沙依爾產生興趣時,她的婆婆擔心她會逃走,進一步撕裂他們這個小家庭。

On the harsh but beautiful high plains of Kyrgyzstan, three generations of nomadic horse-herders make a life for themselves – an ageing couple, their widowed daughter-in-law Shayir, and their granddaughter. Shayir’s son has been lured away to the city, and on his infrequent visits it’s obvious he’ll never return to the nomadic lifestyle. When a meteorologist camped nearby takes an interest in Shayir, her mother-in-law fears she could bolt, and sunder their little family still further.