聯邦刑事廳保鑣Jan Schäfer受命保護Fiona Weibel,她即將在漢堡國際海洋法法庭以重點證人身份出庭。她的雇主是一家瑞士航運公司,該公司被控將申報為肥料的化學品運送到利比亞以製造毒氣。Weibel知道的內幕對該公司造成威脅,對於Schäfer和他的同事來說,一場貓捉老鼠的遊戲即將開始,他的神秘客戶面臨國際殺手的追殺。
BKA bodyguard Jan Schäfer is given the job of looking after Fiona Weibel, an important witness due to give evidence at the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. The young woman’s employer is a Swiss shipping company accused of transporting chemicals declared as fertilizer to Libya, where they are used to make poison gas. Weibel’s insider knowledge is a threat to the company. For Schäfer and his colleagues, a game of cat and mouse begins, as the life of his shadowy client is in danger.