MOD 627


10/15,週日 21:00 首播



Language: German




製作公司:Hellinger / Doll Filmproduktion, Warner Bros. Film productions Germany

• 2022年德國電影獎最佳長片入圍,洛薩海林格,克里斯多福多爾
• 2022年德國電影獎最佳配樂,安妮特福克斯
• 2022年Guenter Rohrbach電影獎特別成就獎,卡洛琳荷芙絲

• 《花樣姐妹圖鑑》是一部寫實、誠實又充滿希望的電影。繼《SMS für Dich》和《Sweethearts心》之後,集編、導、演於一身的卡洛琳荷芙絲再次證明她可以贏得銀幕前後觀眾的心。

• 現代女性對自己的身材無法滿意……導演卡洛琳荷芙絲這部令人揪心的電影《花樣姐妹圖鑑》要講的就是這個,動人又爆笑……

• 美麗到底意味著什麼?卡洛琳荷芙絲在第三部導演作品中,身兼女主角的她向不同的人提出了這個問題,有助於更多人關注這個嚴肅的話題。

• 才華洋溢的卡洛琳荷芙絲以娛樂方式包裝嚴肅話題,新片提到了女性理想美以及解放等話題,給觀眾帶來滿滿的期待。諾拉提辛納再次扮演關鍵角色。她也演出《SMS FOR DICH》,近期在《GUT GEGEN NORDWIND》亦有出色表現。很高興看到艾米麗亞舒勒再次出現在大銀幕上。這位29歲的女演員以《ROCK IT!》、《LENALOVE》和《TRAUMFABRIK》等作品令人驚喜。
• 卡洛琳荷芙絲知道如何精彩地演繹現實生活中的主題。她得到了好友及女星諾拉提辛納的大力支持,諾拉提辛納先前擔任紀錄片《EMBRACE - DU BIST SCHÖN》製片。這部紀錄片講述了女性對自己身體的感受,試圖找到九成女性對自己的身體和外表不滿意的原因。


Almost all of us know to emulate an ideal. Mothers, daughters, men, old and young are constantly obsessed with optimization. “Wunderschön” tells their stories: there is Frauke (Martina Gedeck), who “shortly before 60” no longer finds herself desirable, while her retired husband Wolfi (Joachim Krol) does not know what to do without a job. Her daughter Julie (Emilia Schüle) finally wants to make her breakthrough as a model and doggedly tries to press her body into the industry’s ideal of beauty.

Julie’s sister-in-law Sonja (Karoline Herfurth) also struggles with her body, which after two pregnancies becomes the expression of a life crisis. Her husband Milan (Friedrich Mücke) does not have an eye on the pressure she puts on as a young mother.

Again, this is not a big surprise for Sonja’s best friend Vicky (Nora Tschirner), as she is convinced that women and men will never and never find each other on an equal footing, at least not in love. Her new colleague Franz (Maximilian Brückner) would like to convince her otherwise.

Director: Karoline Herfurth
Writers: Monika Fäßler, Karoline Herfurth, Lena Stahl
Producers: Christopher Doll, Lothar Hellinger, Mark Nolting
Production Co: Hellinger / Doll Filmproduktion, Warner Bros. Film productions Germany
Cast: Emilia Schüle, Martina Gedeck, Nora Tschirner, Joachim Król

• Lothar Hellinger and Christopher Doll, Outstanding Feature Film Nominee, German Film Awards, 2022.
• Annette Focks, Best Film Score, German Film Awards, 2022.
• Karoline Herfurth, Special Achievement, Guenter Rohrbach Film Prize, 2022.

• “Wunderschön” – a film close to life, honest and hopeful. After “SMS für Dich” and “Sweethearts”, the author, director and leading actress Karoline Herfurth proves once again that she can win the hearts of the audience both in front of and behind the camera. 

• Modern women who are no longer satisfied with their bodies … This is what the heart-rending film “Beautiful” by director Caroline Herfurth tells about. Emotional and at the same time funny… 

• What exactly does it mean to be beautiful? In her third directorial work, director and leading actress Karoline Herfurth plays through this question on very different people – and in doing so helps a very serious topic to gain a lot of attention. 

• Herfurth's talent for packaging serious topics in an entertaining way was incomparable, and even the trailer for the new film gave hope for great things with reference to topics such as ideals of beauty for women and emancipation. We also see Nora Tschirner again in one of the key roles. She also took part in SMS FÜR DICH and recently delivered a great performance in GUT GEGEN NORDWIND. It is also a very personal highlight, Emilia Schületo see again on the big screen. The 29-year-old actress has blown my mind several times with films such as ROCK IT!, LENALOVE and TRAUMFABRIK, so it's always a pleasure to enjoy her talent. 

• Herfurth simply knows how to wonderfully stage real-life themes. Last but not least, she received massive support from her leading actress and friend Nora Tschirner, who previously worked as a producer on the documentary film EMBRACE - DU BIST SCHÖN. This documentary deals with how women feel about their bodies and looks for reasons why around 90 percent of women are dissatisfied with their bodies and appearance.