Language: Dutch, German, English
1945年4月23日,一列火車載著大約2,500名來自卑爾根-貝爾森集中營的猶太囚犯,在德國村莊附近的一塊田地停下來。德國士兵為了逃離逼近的俄軍,拋下火車上的人任其自生自滅,其中包括倖存者Simone和她來自阿姆斯特丹的丈夫Issac。不久,一支紅軍連隊抵達,狙擊手Vera也在其中。俄軍強迫德國村民為疲憊的人們提供幫助、食物和住所。其中一個村民是屠夫的女兒,17 歲的Winnie。Winnie曾目睹母親為了逃離醉醺醺前來掠劫的俄羅斯士兵,從窗戶跳下身亡,因此深受創傷。就在此時,Vera、Simone和Isaac被分配到Winnie家。Simone只想趕快離開德國村莊,因為這裡很快變成一個混亂的難民營。但俄軍實施了隔離措施,以遏制在火車上爆發的斑疹傷寒疫情,任何人都不得離開村子。Simone失望地發現Vera並不是解放者,而更像是獄警。當Isaac出現傷寒症狀,Simone想盡一切辦法,不讓他被送往人滿為患的野戰醫院。在一個充滿不信任、絕望和怨憤的房子和村莊裡,三人最終決定互相幫助、照顧病人,彼此的了解漸漸加深。三名截然不同的女性建立了意想不到的友誼。
《終戰列車》的時代背景為二戰最後幾天,改編自真實事件。在戰爭的廢墟之下,三位堅強的女主角必須重新思考生存策略,克服憤怒和不信任,才能重新接受人性,以同理心相處。莎絲奇雅迪辛從女性的角度,將有關逃亡、驅逐和占領的真實事件與電影中的虛構人物結合起來,創造了一個關於凝聚力和友誼、以女性為主角的深刻人性故事。本片由漢娜范弗利特(《ANNE+》、《Toon》、《Quicksand》)、尤金妮安塞林(《Bad Banks》)和安娜巴赫曼(《Lost Ones》)主演。
製作公司:KeyFilm in co-production with Amour Fou Luxembourg and Coin Film
• 本片導演莎絲奇雅迪辛「將真實事件與電影中的虛構人物結合起來,創造了一個關於凝聚力和友誼、以女性為主角的深刻人性故事,」(Global Screen)。
Starring European Shooting Star Hanna van Vliet in the lead role.
In the final days of the turmoil of World War II with German soldiers abandoning a deportation train to the fate of advancing Russian troops, the chance encounter between the distrustful German girl Winnie, the courageous Dutch Jew Simone and the fearless Russian sniper Vera leads to an unexpected friendship.
23 April 1945: a train with some 2,500 Jewish former prisoners from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp comes to a stop in a field near to a German village. The German soldiers flee from the advancing Russian troops, abandoning the people on the train to their fate. Among them Simone, a survivor by nature, and her husband Isaac from Amsterdam. Soon afterwards, a company of the Red Army arrives, including the sniper Vera. The young Russian soldiers force the German villagers to give the exhausted people help, food and shelter. One of the villagers is 17-year-old Winnie, the butcher’s daughter. Winnie is deeply traumatised as she had just witnessed her desperate mother jump out of a window and die when she tried to get away from the drunken, looting Russian soldiers. At this very moment, Vera, Simone and Isaac are assigned to Winnie's house. All Simone wants to do is leave the German village at the first opportunity since it quickly turns into a chaotic refugee camp. But the Russians have imposed a quarantine to contain the typhus epidemic that has broken out on the train. No one is allowed to leave the village. To Simone's frustration, Vera turns out not to be a liberator, but just another prison guard. When Isaac develops symptoms of typhoid fever, Simone tries everything to prevent him from being taken to the overcrowded field hospital. In a house and village marked by mistrust, despair and resentment, the three finally decide to help each other to care for the sick, and their mutual understanding grows. An unexpected friendship develops between these women who could not be any more different from one another.
LOST TRANSPORT is set in the last days of the Second World War and inspired by true events. In the ruins of war, three strong female protagonists have to break away from their survival strategies, overcome their resentment, anger and mistrust in order to see the others as human beings again and meet them with compassion. From a female perspective, Saskia Diesing (“Nena”) links real events about flight, deportation and occupation with the fictional characters in the film to create a feminist and deeply human story about cohesion and friendship. It stars Hanna van Vliet (“ANNE+”, “Toon”, “Quicksand”), Eugénie Anselin (“Bad Banks”) and Anna Bachmann (“Lost Ones”) in the lead roles.
Writer/Director: Saskia Diesing
Producers: Hanneke Niens, Hans de Wolf, Herbert Schwering, Christine Klauk
Production Co: KeyFilm in co-production with Amour Fou Luxembourg and Coin Film
Cast: Hanna van Vliet, Eugénie Anselin, Anna Bachmann, Bram Suijker, Konstantin Frolov
• The film’s director, Saskia Diesing, “links real events with the fictional characters in the film to create a feminist and deeply human story about cohesion and friendship,” Global Screen said.