游牧警探:四海為家 (法國/2019/犯罪/劇情)
Language: French
一個人可以逃避法律,但躲不過法律的制裁。每年,法國有310件兇殺案沒有破案,使得受害者的家人陷入無盡的悲痛之中。法國司法系統毫無轉圜餘地,也沒有經費來繼續調查懸案。追捕兇手以幫助失去親人的家庭伸張正義,不僅僅是退休警探Thomas BARESKI工作,也是他的職責。Thomas BARESKI崇尚自由,熱愛大自然,他以自己的廂型車為家。他不僅特立獨行,還是一位卓越的警探,隨時準備犧牲自己的生活方式來完成使命。艾瑞克坎托納主演。
系列包括四集電視電影,每集90分鐘,由埃爾維科里安(《Papillon Noir》、《Vidock》、《Puzzle》)編劇,史蒂芬妮穆哈執導,艾瑞克坎托納飾演特立獨行的退休警探Thomas Bareski。該角色是一位熱愛大自然的退休警察,以一輛廂型車為家,他的畢生使命是破解發生在法國的310起殺人懸案。
第一個案件將他帶到一個法國小鎮,調查一名年輕女孩失蹤案。他遇到了女孩的母親Christine(奧黛麗達娜飾演),自從女兒失蹤,她一直處於悲痛之中。影集內容是觀眾熟悉的法國偵探劇,在France 3頻道向來收視率很高,有了魅力十足的主角加持,該劇在黃金時段達到了500萬收視人口,第二季目前正在製作中。
本劇播出之前,艾瑞克坎托納在共六集的 Netflix影集《不仁試煉》(Dérapages)演技大獲好評,他飾演一名中年失業的藍領工人,得到一誘人職缺之後,卻發現自己成為殘酷企業遊戲中的一個棋子。
製作公司:Télécip, France Televisions, BE-FILMS
• 2014年納許維爾電影節Graveyard Shift競賽單元最佳男主角,榮譽提及
Series Synopsis
One can outrun the law. No one escapes justice.
Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims’ crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable: there’s no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere.
Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, it’s a duty for Thomas BARESKI, a retired, hotshot police detective. A wandering, footloose, nature-loving soul who lives out of his van, Thomas BARESKI isn’t just a one-of-kind man, he’s also an extraordinary police officer who’s ready to upend his way of life to fulfil his mission. Starring Eric Cantonna.
Eric Cantona’s reinvention from ‘King of Old Trafford’ to the king of the scripted series continues with this detective story from Telecip, a production label owned by Newen subsidiary Telfrance.
The series is essentially four 90-minute TV movies penned by Hervé Korian (Papillon Noir, Vidock, Puzzle) and directed by Stéphanie Murat, which sees Cantona play retired maverick detective Thomas Bareski.
His character is a nature-loving ex-cop who lives out of the back of a van and has made it his life’s mission to help solve some of France’s 310 unsolved killings. His first case brings him to a small French town to investigate the disappearance of a young girl, where he encounters her mother Christine (Audrey Dana) who has been left in an endless state of grief.
The show covers the familiar ground of French detective fiction that performs well on France 3, and its charismatic lead helped the broadcaster pull in a five million viewing average in its prime-time slot, with a second season currently in production.
The drama also follows hot-on-the heels of Cantona’s start turn in six-part Netflix series Inhuman Resources (Dérapages) in which he plays an ageing, jobless blue-collar worker who becomes the henchman for a global firm.
Director: Stéphanie Murat
Producer: Lissa Pillu
Production Co: Télécip, France Televisions, BE-FILMS
Cast: Eric Cantona, Audrey Dana, Gilles Cohen
• Best Actor – Honorable Mention, Graveyard Shift Competition, Nashville Film Festival, 2014.