

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life

Lara Croft 不是你熟知的一般考古冒險家-她精通肉搏戰,善用武器,她很聰明,有智慧,體格又健壯!此次她出的任務,要在恐怖份子得手濫用前, 尋找到潘朵拉魔盒。我們保證,Lara Croft是不折不扣的DIVA!

Lara Croft isn’t your ordinary archaeologist-adventurer – She’s skilled in hand-to-hand combat, using an  and she’s smart, intelligent and highly athletic! This time she’s tasked to find Pandora’s box, before terrorists can get their hands on it and unleash it into the world. We dare say, Lara Croft is definitely a Diva!

