
猛鬼收藏家 第3季

Haunted Collector (S3)
2016/01/18起 每週一22:50首播

鬼魂與靈體不僅隱身住家或建築物-他們也可藏身在物件當中。這部陰森驚悚紀實節目將一路尾隨John Zaffis與家人,他們是一群知名超自然調查專家,專門追蹤收藏,被鬼附身的物件,如畫作、槍枝、珠寶與娃娃。 一旦確認,這些古怪物件都會一一被收藏,放置到家族的博物館,讓John的客戶,得以回歸正常的生活。

Ghosts and spirits inhabit more than just homes and buildings - they can live in objects, too. This spooky and thrilling documentary series follows John Zaffis and his family, renowned paranormal investigators, who track down haunted items like paintings, guns, jewelry and dolls. Once identified, these obscure items are collected and stored in the family's museum, helping John's clients bring normalcy back to their lives.

