MOD 627


2021/2/14 週日 21:00 首播








根據澳洲作家貝瑞強斯堡的暢銷青少年小說《My Life As An Alphabet》改編,描述12歲的Candice Phee的故事,她樂觀向上,保持著獨特的世界觀。故事以一個沿海小鎮為背景,描述一個真誠的女孩如何讓家人再次緊密相依。


根據澳洲作家貝瑞強斯堡的暢銷青少年小說《My Life As An Alphabet》改編,描述12歲的Candice Phee的故事。家住海濱小鎮的她,即使面對青春期的種種考驗,仍努力讓家人再次緊密相依。


根據澳洲作家貝瑞強斯堡的暢銷青少年小說《My Life As An Alphabet》改編,《把幸福找回來》是一部有笑有淚的經典家庭劇情片,描述一個真誠的12歲女孩如何讓家人再次緊密相依。Candice Phee是一個令人難忘的女孩,凡是同時面對青春期考驗和家庭悲劇的人,都能從她的故事找到啟發。


根據澳洲作家貝瑞強斯堡的暢銷青少年小說《My Life As An Alphabet》改編,麗莎霍普編劇,《把幸福找回來》是一部有笑有淚的經典家庭劇情片,描述一個真誠的12歲女孩如何讓失能的家庭再次緊密相依。凡是同時面對青春期考驗和家庭悲劇的人,都能從Candice Phee的故事得到啟發。


以澳洲濱海小鎮奧巴尼為背景,《把幸福找回來》是一部適合闔家欣賞、有笑有淚的經典家庭劇情片。根據澳洲作家貝瑞強斯堡的獲獎青少年小說《My Life As An Alphabet》改編,這是一部暖心的經典家庭劇情片,描述一個真誠的12歲女孩如何讓家人再次緊密相依。Candice Phee是一個令人難忘的女孩,凡是同時面對青春期考驗和家庭悲劇的人,都能從她的故事找到啟發。


電影以Candice Phee的日常生活開始(澳洲新星黛西安可森飾演,《茱蒂與潘趣》)。她是個真誠、聰明、樂觀的12歲女孩。乍看之下,這是一部典型小鎮女孩邁入青春期的電影,但觀眾很快就進一步認識Candice一家人。自從Candice的妹妹Sky過世之後,她的媽媽(艾瑪布絲飾演,影集《The Gloaming》、《Once Upon a Time》)一直憂鬱度日,而她的父親(理查羅森堡,《紅磨坊》、影集《Rake》)和她的有錢叔叔Brian(喬傑克森,《Jungle》)在生意失敗後也不再往來。Candice很幸運地在學校認識了來自另一次元的新生Douglas Benson(衛斯理派頓飾演),他試著回到自己家鄉的次元的同時,也抽空幫助Candice策劃一個讓家人再次幸福的方式。


12歲的Candice Phee是一個樂觀向上、又有獨特世界觀的女孩。本片以一個沿海小鎮為背景,描述一個真誠的女孩如何讓家人再次緊密相依。Candice Phee是一個令人難忘的女孩,凡是同時面對青春期考驗和家庭悲劇的人,都能從她的故事找到啟發。




製作公司:Cyan Films




  • 2020年柏林影展Kplus世代單元國際評審團特別獎
  • 2020年柏林影展Kplus世代單元水晶熊獎最佳影片入圍
  • 2019年CinefestOZ電影節CinefestOZ電影獎
  • 2019年墨爾本國際電影節最佳敘事長片入圍




  • 美國明尼亞波利斯聖保羅國際電影節(線上)
  • 美國西雅圖兒童電影節
  • 德國柏林影展(Kplus世代單元開幕片)



  • 澳洲伯斯電影節
  • 澳洲CinefestOZ電影節
  • 澳洲墨爾本國際電影節(全球首映)



  • 《綜藝報》形容《把幸福找回來》是一部介於約翰休斯和魏斯安德森、又帶點阿莫多瓦風格的影片,一部「討喜的成長電影」。
  • 「一部討喜的成長電影,適合闔家觀賞又不流俗的精彩影片……」 –(綜藝報)
  • 「⋯⋯澳洲劇場導演約翰西迪以首部電影作品證明自己的才華……。」 –(綜藝報)
  • 「在雋永的西澳沿海城市奧巴尼拍攝。」(綜藝報)



  • 「《把幸福找回來》帶有詼諧動感的氣氛,讓人覺得幸福就在身邊……」
  • 「以明亮、童趣的角度來看待成年人的世界……」
  • 「以充滿包容的眼光來看待有錢人、窮人、正常人、受過傷的人、古怪的人等所有人……」
  • Filmink影評人多夫柯爾尼次稱本片「以充滿包容的眼光來看待有錢人、窮人、正常人、受過傷的人、古怪的人等所有人……。」
  • 《澳洲人報》的戴維斯特拉頓寫道:「一部不落俗套的動人電影。」
  • 《The Curb》影評人安德魯皮爾斯說:「我敢肯定地說,我已經很久沒有看一部電影笑得這麼厲害了。」
  • 澳洲導演精彩首部作品,描述一名能幹的青少女試圖解決家人的問題。
  • 「有笑有淚,還有古靈精怪的魅力,《把幸福找回來》帶給我完整的歡樂觀影經驗。」 -2020年第70屆柏林影展



  • 劇本由澳洲編劇麗莎霍普改編,她之前曾以短片《Heck》獲獎。
  • 電影在西澳洲奧巴尼拍攝-維基百科



  • 如同風景明信片般美麗的海濱小鎮奧巴尼位於西澳州南部海岸,不僅適合做為這部家庭電影的場景,多位演員也有家人住在這裡。其中包括熱愛大自然的女演員艾瑪布絲(飾演Claire Phee),她在附近的丹麥出生。演員喬爾傑克森(飾演有錢叔叔Brian),實際上就在奧巴尼出生長大。
  • 主角黛西安可森最喜歡的電影之一是《天生一對》(1961,1998)。在《把幸福找回來》(2019)的拍攝現場,黛西的替身跟她長得很像,幾乎像雙胞胎,因此她覺得很開心。
  • Candice Phee的角色(黛西安可森飾演)在片中剛滿13歲,演員黛西安可森和衛斯理派頓也都在影片拍攝期間滿13歲。
  • 演員理查羅森堡在過去五年之中,出演過四部在西澳洲拍攝的電影。包括《把幸福找回來》(2019)、《Breath》(2017),《Go》(又名《Go Karts》)(2020)和《失蹤風暴》(2015)。《Breath》(2017)和《把幸福找回來》(2019)均在西澳洲奧巴尼拍攝。
  • 除了拍電影外,導演約翰西迪也有豐富戲劇背景,曾將《Storm Boy》和《Jasper Jones》改編為舞台劇,也曾將《Rabbits》改編為歌劇。
  • 本片主要製作期大約為30天。
  • 演員米莉安馬格里斯在拍攝現場時,刻意大聲放屁來逗樂孩子。她會宣布說:「要放屁了!」。
  • 本片原著小說家巴瑞強斯堡(Barry Jonsberg)在片中客串副校長,把Douglas Benson(衛斯理派頓飾演)介紹給Miss Bamford(米莉安馬格里斯飾演)。
  • 黛博拉梅爾曼的戲都是在最後兩天拍攝的。
  • 這是導演約翰西迪和新進年輕演員衛斯理派頓二度合作拍片。第一部片是西迪的短片《Mrs McCutcheon》(2017)。
  • 本片原著小說家巴瑞強斯堡(Barry Jonsberg)在片中客串副校長,把Douglas Benson(衛斯理派頓飾演)介紹給Miss Bamford(米莉安馬格里斯飾演)。
  • 本片改編自作家貝瑞強斯堡2013年的小說《My Life is an Alphabet》,電影在大約六年後拍攝完成上映。本片是該小說家的第一部被改編成電影的作品。
  • 在電影開拍的好幾年前,女主角黛西安可森的姐姐就給她看過原著小說《My Life as an Alphabet》(2013)。試鏡之前,黛西安可森已經讀過本書多次,Candice Phee是她一直以來最喜歡的角色之一。
  • 超過400名女孩參加了Candice Phee角色的試鏡,最終伯斯出身的演員黛西安可森被選上。
  • 主演演員黛博拉梅爾曼和衛斯理派頓後來在影集《Total Contro》(2019)再次扮演母子,該影集在《把幸福找回來》殺青幾個月後就開始拍攝。
  • 飾演戴克老師Miss Cowie的凱瑟琳摩爾也是黛西安可森和衛斯理派頓的戲劇老師。
  • 導演約翰西迪組成了一個全女性的創意團隊,包括攝影指導邦妮艾略特、選角指導珍諾里斯、製作設計妮姬賈迪納、服裝設計泰瑞拉美若、剪輯約翰娜史考特、以及配樂師內瑞達泰森秋。
  • 迷你馬的真實名字是Yankee Doodle,牠住的地方距離主要場景的森林只有20分鐘路程。牠的主人幾乎每天都帶牠去那裡散步。
  • 黛西安可森拍攝的第一場戲是水下場景。她整天泡在一個跳水池,不停地上岸和下水,她的衣服底下綁了小的鉛錘。
  • 導演約翰西迪要求全片要以鳥類和綠色當做貫穿的主題,所有場景和服裝設計都可以看到這兩種元素。
  • 這是製片茱莉萊恩的第五部有動物參與演出的電影。第一部《The Old Man Who Read Love Stories》有美洲豹,《The Tracker》有馬,《Red Dog》的主角是一隻卡爾比犬,《Tracks》有一個駱駝家族,《把幸福找回來》則由迷你馬Yankee Doodle主演。
  • 《把幸福找回來》是是茱莉萊恩擔任製片、共同製片或執行製片的第15部電影長片。
  • 飾演服裝店老闆Gavin的演員喬治舍夫佐夫曾與導演約翰西迪合作過,參與他從兒童讀物《鴨子,死亡和鬱金香》改編的戲劇作品,喬治舍夫佐夫在劇中扮演「死亡」。
  • 在開拍之前,製片茱莉萊恩說:「我八年前在澳洲北部拍攝了兩部長片《Red Dog》(2011)和《Satellite Boy》(2012),很高興能回到澳洲西部來拍片。我和麗莎霍普都很期待與伯斯製片坦妮兒甘廼迪合作,未來幾個月我們將在奧巴尼拍片,很高興能找來非常有才華的約翰西迪,一起把這個有趣又暖心的故事搬上大銀幕。」
  • 本片獲得了Screen Australia、WA Regional Film Fund和Screenwest的大力投資,並得到了墨爾本國際電影節首映基金及 Film Victoria和Soundfirm的資助。
  • 本片是伯斯演員黛西安可森第二次參與長片演出,之前的作品是《茱蒂與潘趣》(2019)。
  • Screenwest執行長瑟夫麥肯納提到本片時說:「很高興看到在澳洲西部拍攝的電影數量正在穩定增加,特別是像《把幸福找回來》這樣的優質影片。「對於當地的電影圈和電影業者來說,這是一個令人興奮的時刻,很高興看到更多國家和國際電影團隊也肯定在本地拍片的價值。」
  • 劇場導演約翰西迪首次執導電影。
  • Screen Australia的製作部主管莎莉開普蘭說:「麗莎霍普寫了一個關於家庭、友誼和包容彼此不同的迷人劇本,更棒的是能夠請來才華橫溢的約翰西迪來執導,這也是他的首部電影作品。本片的主角是個年輕有活力的女孩,電影由茱莉萊恩、坦妮兒甘廼迪、阿芙兒史塔克等年輕的女製片來製作,這部片一定會引起大人小孩的共鳴。」
  • 在進行主要攝影之前,導演約翰西迪說:「我很高興能夠重返西澳州來拍我的首部電影,我在伯斯待了很多年,專門製作以青少年和家庭為主的戲劇作品,這樣的轉折再適合也不過了。」他補充說:「我也很高興有機會與Cyan Films的製片茱莉萊恩、坦妮兒甘廼迪以及編劇兼製片麗莎霍普合作,她建構了一個逗趣、古怪又感人的劇本,一定會引起任何與眾不同的孩子或家庭的共鳴。我很期待多認識當地有才華的演員和創意人士,並在奧巴尼多待一點時間,要把這個故事搬上銀幕,這個地方最適合作為故事背景。」




Tagline (IMDB):

 Happiness is inside all of us. You just have to find it.



A twelve-year-old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world, is inspired by the strange new boy at school and sets out to mend her broken family - whatever it takes.



Based on the successful young adult novel “My Life As An Alphabet” by Australian author Barry Jonsberg, the film follows Candice Phee – a twelve year old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world. Set in a small coastal town, it’s about an unflinchingly honest girl’s determination to bring her family back from the brink.



Based on Australian author Barry Jonsberg’s popular young adult novel “My Life as an Alphabet,” the film follows Candice Phee, an optimistic 12-year-old girl from a small coastal town who is determined to bring her family back from the brink while facing the trials of adolescence. 



Based on the award winning book, My Life As An Alphabet by Barry Jonsberg, H IS FOR HAPPINESS is a classic Family Feature Film that will make you laugh, cry and cheer with delight; the story of one unflinchingly honest twelve year old girl’s determination to bring her family back from the brink. Candice Phee is an unforgettable heroine whose exploits will inspire and delight anyone who has faced the trials of adolescence and the heartbreak of family tragedy.


Based on the young adult novel My Life As An Alphabet, by Australian author Barry Jonsberg, adapted for the screen by writer/producer Lisa Hoppe, H is for Happiness follows Candice Phee, an unflinchingly honest and optimistic twelve year old who is determined to bring her dysfunctional family back from the brink. Her exploits will inspire and delight anyone who has faced the trials of adolescence and the heartbreak of family tragedy.



Set in the colourful Australian coastal town of Albany, H IS FOR HAPPINESS is a classic feel-good film for all ages that will make you laugh, cry, and cheer with delight. Based on the award-winning book My Life as an Alphabet by Barry Jonsberg, it is the genuinely heart-warming and unflinchingly honest story of one twelve-year-old’s determination to bring her family back from the brink and spark happiness in their lives. Using an entirely unique approach, Candice Phee is an unforgettable heroine whose exploits will inspire and delight anyone who has faced the trials of adolescence and the heartbreak of family tragedy.



The film opens with the introduction to the life of Candice Phee, played by Australian newcomer Daisy Axon ('Judy & Punch'), a 12-year-old girl who is unflinchingly honest, smart and hilariously forthright, but above all else, brazenly optimistic. It appears at first to be a tale about a typical girl entering adolescence in the small town of Albany in Western Australia, but the curtain is quickly drawn back, and we learn more about Candice's family, who are in complete disarray. Her mum (Emma Booth, TV's 'The Gloaming' and 'Once Upon a Time') has been living with depression since the death of Candice's baby sister Sky, while her dad (Richard Roxburgh, 'Moulin Rouge', TV's 'Rake') and his brother - Candice's beloved and ever-supportive Rich Uncle Brian (Joel Jackson, 'Jungle') - are not on speaking terms after a business deal fallout. Luckily for Candice, she meets Douglas Benson From Another Dimension (Wesley Patten), a quirky kid from out of town who, whilst trying to find his way back to his own dimension in the universe, finds the time to help Candice plot and scheme a way for her family to be happy again.



12-year-old Candice Phee is a girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world. Set in a small coastal town, ‘H Is for Happiness’ is about an unflinchingly honest girl’s determination to bring her family back from the brink. Candice is an unforgettable heroine whose exploits will inspire and delight anyone who has faced the trials of adolescence and family heartbreak.


Director:          John Sheedy (seasoned Australian theatre director)

Producer:                Julie Ryan, Tenille Kennedy, Lisa Hoppe

Production Co:        Cyan Films

Cast:                            Daisy Axon, Emma Booth, Richard Roxburgh, Miriam Margolyes, Deborah Mailman, Joel Jackson, George Shevtsov, , Wesley Patten, Ali Jayne Tognini, Cath Moore






  • Special Prize of the Generation Kplus Intl Jury, Berlin IFF, 2020.
  • Generation Kplus – Best Film Nominee, Crystal Bear Award, Berlin IFF, 2020.
  • CinefestOZ Film Prize, CinefestOZ, 2019.
  • Best Narrative Feature Nominee, Melbourne IFF, 2019.




  • Minneapolis St Paul International Film Festival, US (online)
  • Children's Film Festival Seattle, US
  • Berlin International Film Festival, Germany (Opening Film Generation Kplus)


  • Perth Festival, Australia
  • CinefestOZ Film Festival, Australia
  • Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia (World Premiere, Gala)


Interview with Director, John Sheedy:




  • “This delightful coming-of-age dramedy provides feel-good entertainment for the entire family without pandering — or sacrificing style or substance...“ – Variety


  • “…In his feature helming debut, Aussie theater director John Sheedy proves a talent to watch….” – Variety


  • “Shot on location in the timeless-looking Western Australia coastal town of Albany, ..“ – Variety







  • David Stratton of The Australian said, "What could have been trite and mawkish turns out to be really rather engaging."




  • "Full of laugh out loud moments, heartbreaking aches, endless charm and quirks, Happiness encompassed all the elements I needed to create an entertaining cinematic experience." - 70th Berlinale, 2020



  • The novel was adapted by Australian screenwriter Lisa Hoppe, whose credits include the award-winning short “Heck.” 


  • The film was shot in Albany, Western Australia - Wikipedia


More Trivias from IMDB:

  • The picture postcard seaside town of Albany, on the southern coast of Western Australia, was not only cinematically and logistically perfect for the needs of this family film, but also had strong family connections for a number of cast. This included and nature loving actress Emma Booth (Claire Phee), who was born in nearby Denmark, and actor Joel Jackson (Rich Uncle Brian), who actually was born and raised in Albany.


  • One of lead actor Daisy Axon's favorite films is 'The Parent Trap' (1961, 1998). On the set of 'H is for Happiness' (2019), Daisy loved having a double who looked like her twin.







  • The character of Candice Phee (Daisy Axon) turns thirteen in the movie. During production, both actress Daisy Axon and actor Wesley Patten turned thirteen during the shooting of the film.


  • Actor Richard Roxburgh has starred in four films shot in Western Australia in the last five years. They are 'H is for Happiness' (2019), 'Breath' (2017), 'Go' (aka 'Go Karts') (2020), and 'Looking for Grace' (2015). Both 'Breath' (2017) and 'H is for Happiness' (2019) shot in Albany in Western Australia.


  • As well as making films, director John Sheedy has an extensive background in theatre having adapted "Storm Boy" and "Jasper Jones" for the stage and "The Rabbits" for Opera Australia.


  • The period of principal production on this picture ran for about thirty days.


  • Actress Miriam Margolyes loved entertaining the children during set ups by breaking wind quite loudly in front of them. She would make the announcement: "Fart coming!".


  • Source novelist Barry Jonsberg, author of 'My Life as An Alphabet' (2013), appears in the film as the deputy principal where he introduces Douglas Benson 9Wesley Patten) to Miss Bamford (Miriam Margolyes).


  • All of Deborah Mailman's scenes were shot on the last two days of filming.


  • Second film collaboration of director John Sheedy and emerging young actor Wesley Patten. The first had been Sheedy's short film 'Mrs McCutcheon' (2017).


  • Barry Jonsberg, author of the book 'My Life As An Alphabet' (2013), appears in the film as the deputy principal, and introduces Douglas Benson to Miss Bamford.


  • The film was made and first released about six years after its source novel 'My Life Is an Alphabet' by author Barry Jonsber has been first published in 2013. The movie is the novelist's first book to be turned into a film.


  • The sister of lead actress Daisy Axon gave her the film's source novel 'My Life as An Alphabet' (2013) to read a few years before filming. Axon had read the book multiple times prior to auditioning for the central role of Candice Phee who is one of the her all-time favorite characters.


  • More than four hundred girls auditioned for the role of Candice Phee with Perth-based actor Daisy Axon ultimately being chosen for the role.







  • Cast members Deborah Mailman and Wesley Patten ended up playing mother and son respectively again in the television series 'Total Control' (2019) which was shot only a few months after filming of 'H Is for Happiness' wrapped.


  • Catherine Moore who plays the relief teacher Miss Cowie was also the drama coach for both Daisy Axon and Wesley Patten.


  • Director John Sheedy selected an all-female creative team to work on the film: Director of Photography, Bonnie Elliott; Casting Director Jane Norris; Production Designer Nicki Gardiner; Costume Designer Terri Lamera; Editor Johanna Scott; and Composer Nerida Tyson-Chew.


  • The real name of the mini horse is Yankee Doodle and he lives only twenty minutes from the forest where most of his scenes were shot. His owner has walked him there daily for most of his life.


  • Daisey Axon's first day of filming was the underwater scenes. She spent the whole day jumping in and out of a diving pool with small weights strapped to her body concealed under her dress.


  • Director John Sheedy requested birds and the color green be a consistent motif throughout the film. Both elements can be seen in the set and costume design across the picture.


  • Fifth film that producer Julie Ryan has worked with animals. The first was "The Old Man Who Read Love Stories" with a jaguar; "The Tracker" featuring a team of horses, "Red Dog" which starred a Kelpie dog, "Tracks", which featured a family of camels, and "H Is for Happiness" starring the miniature horse, Yankee Doodle.


  • "H is for Happiness" is producer Julie Ryan's fifteenth feature film credit as producer, co-producer or executive producer.


  • Actor George Shevtsov, who plays the costume shop owner Gavin, had worked with director John Sheedy before in his theatre adaptation of the children's book 'Duck, Death and the Tulip' where Shevtsov had portrayed the character of ''Death''.


  • Prior to production, producer Julie Ryan said: "I am delighted to be coming back to Western Australia after shooting two feature films, 'Red Dog' (2011) and 'Satellite Boy' (2012) in the north of the state nearly eight years ago. Lisa Hoppe and I also look forward to working with Perth-based producer Tenille Kennedy, and the community of Albany in the coming months. We're excited to have the very talented John Sheedy bringing this funny and heart-warming story to the cinema screen."







  • The film received major production investment from Screen Australia in association with WA Regional Film Fund and Screenwest and was financed with support from the Melbourne Film International Festival (MIFF) Premiere Fund, Film Victoria and Soundfirm.


  • Second feature film role of Perth-based actress Daisy Axon who worked on the feature film 'Judy & Punch' (2019) prior to this film.


  • Seph McKenna, Screenwest CEO, said of the project: "I am delighted that the number of screen productions being filmed in WA is steadily growing with quality titles like H is for Happiness," he said. "It's such an exciting time for our local film and screen industry and it's great to witness more national and international teams realising the value of shooting their projects here."
  • Debut theatrical feature film directed by theatre director John Sheedy.


  • Sally Caplan, Head of Production at Screen Australia, said: "Lisa Hoppe has delivered a charming script about family, friendship, and celebrating difference and we're incredibly excited that the talented John Sheedy is on board to direct his first feature film. It's fantastic to see a film with a strong young female protagonist being produced by an exciting group of female screen practitioners in Julie Ryan, Tenille Kennedy, and Avrill Stark, and I'm sure it will resonate with kids and adults alike."


  • Prior to principal photography, director John Sheedy said: "I am thrilled to be returning to WA [Western Australia] for my directorial debut. Having spent several years in Perth creating theatrical works for young people and families, it seems very fitting." He added: "I am equally delighted to have the opportunity to work with producers Julie Ryan of Cyan Films, Tenille Kennedy and screenwriter and producer Lisa Hoppe who has constructed a hilariously quirky and moving script that is sure to resonate with any child or family that feels different. I look forward to re-engaging in the assembly of local talented actors and creatives and spending time in Albany which is the perfect backdrop to bring this story to the screen."


Crazy Credits (IMDB)

  • After all of the credits, there is an extra scene where the man watering his lawn is laying down on the grass with the water still running.