MOD 627

2020/11/22 週日 21:00首播




11歲孤兒Woody Watson住在巴爾的摩,夢想過著更好的生活。他不確定母親在哪裡,有人說她可能在北卡羅來納州試著戒毒。Woody把叔叔Vincent當作爸爸看待,服刑8年甫出獄的Vincent曾經是街頭毒販,現在他想重新做人。某天,Vincent經過Woody的學校,決定帶他出去見識見識。Vincent相中一間法拍倉庫,打算買下來開餐廳,但銀行不肯貸款給他。過去的非法勾當再次向他招手,Vincent回頭找從前老大FISH幫忙。原本積極樂觀的一天,最後以暴力收場,Woody必須決定要追隨叔叔的腳步,或是走出自己的路。



《愛 LUV》是短片導演薛爾頓坎迪斯首部長片,饒舌歌手凡夫俗子飾演前科犯Vincent,小麥可雷尼飾演視他為偶像的11歲侄子Woody。



製作公司:LUV Films 5, Gordon Bijelonic/Datari Turner Films, Hollywood Studios











Language: English

Eleven-year-old WOODY WATSON is a timid Baltimore orphan who dreams of a better life --and his absent mother who may or may not be in North Carolina fighting drug addiction. Woody also reveres his uncle VINCENT as the father figure he never had. A street hustler and former drug dealer, Vincent's fresh off an eight-year stint in prison and wants a new direction. When Vincent bypasses his nephew's school one day and offers to show Woody how a man handles his business, Woody jumps at the opportunity to join his uncle on a field trip of life lessons. With a foreclosed warehouse property, Vincent plans to open his own crab shack restaurant. However, when he is denied a bank loan the legitimate way, the temptations of Vincent's old life working for Baltimore crime boss MR. FISH return to haunt him. A day once bright with optimism quickly spirals downward into a world of violence. Coming of age all too fast by day's end, Woody starts to doubt his hero and ultimately must decide where he stands.


‘LUV’ marks the feature debut of short filmmaker Sheldon Candis and stars rapper Common as Vincent, an ex-con and former gangster who becomes a role model for 11-year-old Woody (Michael Rainey Jr), whose mother has disappeared.


Director:          Sheldon Candis

Producers:        Jason Michael Berman, Michael Jenson, Gordon Bijelonic,

                        Datari Turner, Joel Newton, Derek Dudley

Production Co:        LUV Films 5, Gordon Bijelonic/Datari Turner Films, Hollywood Studios

Cast:                        Common (Wanted, Brown Sugar, New Year's Eve,                                               Terminator:Salvation), Michael Rainey Jr. (The Butler),

                        Dennis Haysbert( Jarhead, Heat), Danny Glover (Witness, The Color                  Purple, 2012), Charles S. Dutton, Marc John Jefferies, Lonette McKee
                        Michael Kenneth Williams


  • A well-chosen cast papers over some of the plausibility gaps in Sheldon Candis’ debut feature, set in the Baltimore crime world and showcasing a magnetic lead performance from the rapper Common. – THR
  • Talented young newcomer Michael Rainey Jr. and Common play an impressionable kid and his badass uncle in this Baltimore-set coming-of-age story, which also features Dennis Haysbert as a commanding villain. - THR



  • When Common says Tupac was the greatest rapper, it's a little known fact that Tupac use to live in Baltimore, the town in which this movie is filmed. – IMDB