MOD 259


Surviving R. Kelly
2020/04/04-04/18起,每週六 21:55

作為有史以來最偉大的R&B歌手之一,R. Kelly開創性樂風的職涯和花花公子的生活方式,充滿了關於傷害、性侵行為和戀童癖的謠言。儘管罪證確鑿並有多名目擊者,迄今為止,這些指控似乎對他沒有影響。現在,這部備受讚譽的驚人紀錄片中,倖存者和R. Kelly熟識圈的人們提出令人震驚的新指控,並決心分享自己完整的故事。

Celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, R. Kelly's genre-defining career and playboy lifestyle has been riddled with rumors of abuse, predatory behavior, and pedophilia. Despite damning evidence and multiple witnesses, to date, none of these accusations have seemingly affected him. Now, in this acclaimed bombshell documentary survivors and people from R. Kelly's inner circle are coming forward with shocking new accusations, and they are determined to share their full story.



Surviving R. Kelly Part III: The Final Chapter
Surviving R. Kelly: The Impact
勞凱利倖存者2: 清算
Surviving R. Kelly Part II: The Reckoning