
地球異世界 第1季

Defiance (S1)
強檔原創影集與美同步播出, 同名電玩一同推出。未來世界的一場星際間戰爭後,地球已面目全非,變成不思議的異世界,失去家園的外星人來到地球避難,外星混血的混血人種和人類一同合作,保護人類不受外星人之間的流血衝突波及,全新戰事一觸即發。來自《銀河號戰艦》與《銀河迷航》的靈感成就了2013讓人殷殷期盼,最夯的影集。 因為所居住的星系被摧毀,外星種族Votans意外地來到地球,希望建立他們的新家園。 與人類的談判破裂,眼見存糧即將用盡,Votans在絕望之餘,只有一條路可走: 向地球宣戰。處處驚險,只能靠反抗軍難民營的維安隊長Jeb Nolan保護家園,不受人類與Votan之間的流血衝突波及,也防止其他神祕力量的不速之客的侵犯。政治角力、驚悚動作,科幻情節-這些元素加上娛樂效 果,一次到位,絕無冷場。
From the minds behind Battlestar Galactica and Farscape comes one of the most hotly anticipated series of 2013. After losing their star system, an alien race known as the Votans have arrived on Earth, searching for a new home. Negotiations with the humans have failed, and supplies are running low – the Votans are desperate and there’s only one thing left to do: wage war and claim Earth. Nowhere is safe and it is up to Jeb Nolan, Chief Lawkeeper of a refugee camp named Defiance, to protect his town from the deadly clashes between Man and Votan, as well as other mysterious and unwanted visitors. Political drama, action thriller, science-fiction – Defiance brings together all these elements into a scintillating blend of entertainment that will not slow down for one minute.

