
星際爭霸戰 第1季

Star Trek: The Original Series (S1)
歷久彌堅: 我的天呀,本月該給星際奇航迷一些糖果當成獎賞呀!從銀河系啟航,《銀河飛龍》描述企業號航空母艦的冒險 故事,由暴躁易怒的船長James T. Kirk (William Shatner飾演)與理性邏輯的Spock(Leonard Nimoy飾演)帶領所有組員展開浩瀚星際旅程。這部深受歡迎的經典科幻影集-被譽為史上最具影響力的科幻影集- 多年來有其深遠的文化意義。從劇中的手機到膾炙人口的口號,甚至太空梭的名字,《星際迷航》的歷久不衰是無庸置疑的。這一次將首度以HD高畫質與CGI電 腦視覺處理效果再現,絕對能滿足你的視聽感官。「史考提,把我們傳送上去!」
Live long and prosper: Oh boy, do we have a treat for all you Trekkies this month! Set in the Milky Way galaxy, Star Trek follows the adventures of the USS Enterprise starship and its crew led by the fiery Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the logical Spock (Leonard Nimoy). This cult classic – arguably the most influential science-fiction TV series in history – has had an incredible impact on culture through the years. From mobile phones to catchphrases to even the names of space shuttles, the longevity of Star Trek is undeniable and now it lives on in high definition (HD) with new CGI visual effects. Beam us up, Scotty!

