MOD 380


This Week at the Comedy Cellar
2019/02/15起 每週二至週六 00:00 首播

快到紐約最搶手的喜劇俱樂部,搶個好位置成為座上賓,從新星到傳奇的各種喜劇演員,每週都在傳說中的COMEDY CELLAR成為最新鮮的話題,別錯過熟悉的臉孔一如小洛伊伍德、錢信伊及麥可柯斯塔等人,就他們銳利的觀點看待所有時事!

Take a front row seat at New York City’s hottest comedy club, as comedians of all stripes, from rising stars to established legends, pop into the legendary COMEDY CELLAR each week to take on all the freshest topics of the week! Catch familiar faces like Roy Wood Jr., Ronnie Chieng, Michael Kosta and more as they share their sharp takes on all current events!
