
新阿達一族 第1季

The New Addams Family (S1)
《新阿達一族》是世界聞名《阿達一族》的新版影集。成員包括Morticia 和 Gomez, 他們倆個威脅社區安全的孩子Pugsley 和 Wednesday , Fester叔叔(喜歡把自己弄爆炸),以及Grandma 和 Lurch,呈現出最真實定義的「怪異」。我們視為正常的,卻會讓他們坐如針氈。
The New Addams Family is a great new version of the allready world famous Addams family. Morticia and Gomez, their community-threatening kids Pugsley and Wednesday, Uncle Fester (who loves blowing himself up!), Grandma and Lurch show the true meaning of weird and what’s normal to us, is paranormal to them!

