

Do No Harm (S1)
雙面危機:Jason Cole醫師的人生看來不虞匱乏 — 成功的神經外科事業、迷人的自信、善良的心胸…以及一個不為人知的黑暗秘密。每天晚上8點25分,他的隱藏人格Ian Price開始浮現並且掌握他的心神整整12個小時。Ian可說是跟Jason完全相反的人格 — 性感邪氣、扭曲且具有反社會邊緣人格,一心只想報復Jason對自己的壓抑。當Jason所關心的人們都陷入險境時,他能成功阻止Ian嗎,或是在雙方交鋒之際會給彼此帶來玉石俱焚的結果呢?


Double cross: Dr. Jason Cole has many things – a successful career as a neurosurgeon, confident charm, a heart of gold… and a deep dark secret. Every night, at 8.25pm, his alternate personality, Ian Price, emerges for exactly 12 hours. Ian is everything Jason isn't – seductive, devious and a borderline sociopath who's hell bent on taking revenge on Jason for trying to keep him suppressed. With everyone Jason cares about at risk, can he put a stop to Ian's rampage or will they bring each other down in the crossfire?


角色介紹 Characters

Dr. Jason Cole/Ian Price

Steven Pasquale

Steven Pasquale飾演本劇男主角Jason Cole醫師和其分裂人格Ian Price,是現代版的化身博士。一位成功,受人敬重,迷人,充滿自信和熱情的神經外科醫師。然而他的潛藏人格Ian Price完全是他的相反,對社會來說,是誘惑人心的邪惡份子。

Steven Pasquale stars as Dr. Jason Cole and Ian Price, a modern day Jekyll and Hyde, in NBC’s new drama "Do No Harm." Dr. Jason Cole is a well-respected neurosurgeon who is confident, charming, and compassionate. However, his alternate personality Ian Price is Jason’s antithesis, a seductive menace to society.