MOD 259


Cults And Extreme Belief
2018/11/18 週日 20:05首播 2018/11/19-11/22 週一至周四 20:05、21:00首播
As a recruiter for multi-level marketing self-help group NXIVM, Sarah Edmondson brought thousands of people to the organization before exposing it as a sex cult.
Disconnected from her family, ex-member Samie Brosseau works to expose the Twelve Tribes's practices that involve physically abusing children and subjugating women.
Former Jehovah's Witness Romy Maple, a child sexual abuse survivor, attempts to uncover why her pleas for justice were systematically ignored by top members of the organization.
Growing up in the United Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad was forced into child labour, physical abuse and squalid living conditions. He is now seeking justice.
Amy Bril recounts her childhood in the Children of God, known for paedophilia and religious prostitution. She works with others to address the suicide epidemic among fellow survivors.
Teddy Hose tries to alert the public to a gun-obsessed Unification Church offshoot known as The Sanctuary Church of Newfoundland, Pennsylvania.
FLDS followers like Norma Richter was forced to fend for themselves after its leader, Warren Jeffs, is convicted of child sexual assault.
Former members of different groups meet to discuss their shared experiences with Elizabeth Vargas.