如何製作出孩子心中的夢幻蛋糕呢? 邀請兩位蛋糕達人,以小朋友的彩色畫作為藍圖,設計出令人雀躍的糕點。
專業烘焙達人使出他們的十八般武藝,做出最複雜精緻的生日蛋糕,給最苛刻挑剔的評審:想像力無限的小朋友們! 敬請鎖定觀賞《夢幻蛋糕大比拚》的精彩競賽製作過程。
How do you make a child’s most awesome birthday cake a reality? By letting two cake-masters design a confectionary delight based on the child’s own colourful drawings.
Our expert bakers are tested to their limit as they create complex and intricate birthday cakes for the most demanding judges of them all: young kids with wild imaginations! Watch as the competition unfolds and the BEST CAKE WINS