超級巨星一字排開!跟著喜劇傳奇艾迪葛瑞芬、藝人賽德里克、 D.L. 休利、喬治洛佩茲、已故查理墨菲和他們的搞笑伎倆,全在這個喜劇巡禮的系列節目裡!別錯過舞台上和舞台下的瘋狂內容,絕對讓你噗哧一笑!
本節目呈現了一系列脫口秀巡演的幕後花絮,包含喬治洛佩茲、D. L. 休利、藝人賽德里克、艾迪葛瑞芬和已故的查理墨菲。在舞台上他們搞笑又瘋狂且毫無歉意,然而轉身下台後,好戲才正要開始呢!節目內容奠基在真實事件,除了他們廣受好評的脫口秀巡演過程,還包含了他們身為頭號喜劇演員過去25年來的真實經歷。以職場喜劇為核心,30分鐘的單一攝影機拍攝舞台上及舞台下五名喜劇泰斗,面對生活中各種挑戰的真實樣貌—髒亂不堪的場地、種族主義的工作人員、咄咄逼人的悍妻、暴跳如雷的母親、愛慕成癮的粉絲、出一張嘴的名人、亂七八糟的政治人物,還有更多精彩內容,千萬別錯過!
Talk about a superstar line-up – follow legendary comics, Eddie Griffin, Cedric the Entertainer, D.L. Hughley, George Lopez and the late Charlie Murphy and their shenanigans during theComedy Get Down stand-up tour in this scripted series. Experience the craziness that goes down both on and off stage – it’s a hoot!
The Comedy Get Down shows what really happens behind the scenes of a massive stand-up tour featuring five legendary comics – George Lopez, DL Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin and the late Charlie Murphy. They’re hilarious, insane and unapologetic on stage, but the second they step off stage is when the real show begins. The storylines are based on actual events that have taken place not only on their wildly successful Comedy Get Down arena tour, but throughout their 25 years, with each of them having been national headlining comedians.
A workplace comedy at its core, the 30-minute, single-camera series explores the personal and professional relationships of these five comic titans as they navigate the challenges of life on the road: seedy venues, racist road managers, pushy wives, angry baby mamas, obsessive fans, demanding celebrities, shady politicians and more.