《法網遊龍:特案組》 最新一季將重返螢幕,帶給觀眾更多犀利激烈,充滿情感糾結的揪心故事, 背景設在紐約市警局特案組,為一群菁英探員所組成,專門從事性犯罪相關的偵查工作。
偵查案件總是改編真實案件,例如團結右翼白人至上集會遊行與哈維溫斯坦的性侵醜聞案件。這個部門以Olivia Benson探長(瑪莉絲卡哈吉塔飾演)為首,一位具備同理心與專業的資深警官,同時本身也是母親遭受性侵後所生下的孩子。
Law & Order: SVU is back with more hard-hitting, emotional stories that take place in the Special Victims Unit of the New York Police Department. Composed of an elite detectives squad, this department focuses on sexually based crime investigations.
The cases being investigated are as always inspired by real life events, such as the Charlottesville riots and the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations. The Department is led by Lieutenant Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), a veteran who leads with empathy and professionalism as she herself, is a child of her mother’s rape.