MOD 264


Arranged (S1)
2015/8/10起 每週一 21:30首播
這部全新系列將進入三對夫妻的世界,他們有著迥然不同的文化背景,但卻有一個共同點 - 他們相信包辦婚姻。我們將跟蹤拍攝一對來自紐約的羅馬尼亞吉普賽年輕夫婦,一對來自美國南部的夫婦,還有一對在傳統印度家庭長大的洛杉磯夫婦,他們已經準備好了要成為家庭的一員,而考驗和收穫正等著他們。
New series Arranged enters the worlds of three couples from very different cultures that have one thing in common – the belief in arranged marriages. The series follows a young Romani gypsy couple from New York, a southern couple from the Bible belt, and a couple raised by traditional Eastern Indian parents living in Los Angeles as they prepare to join families, and the trials and rewards that await.