MOD 620

詹姆士鎮 第2季

Jamestown (S2)
2018/2/10起 每週六20:00,與英國同日首播

《唐頓莊園》的原班製作團隊與劇作家Bill Gallagher推出《詹姆士鎮》,一部敘述英國拓荒者來到美洲新世界,開展美國夢的史詩故事。 最初的十年很少有拓荒者存活,而新州長George Yeardley的到來,開啟了新的紀元。他帶來了一個新法令,為感念他們的忠心,明文將土地頒給最早的拓荒男子。他還帶了90位女性隨行,安排與他們結為連理。這些女性飄洋過海,嫁給這些拓荒者,讓這新世界有更多人丁繁衍。 隨著這新社會的開化發展,在這美麗又蠻荒,未開發的維吉尼亞,我們見證人類的善與惡。

From the producers of Downton Abbey and writer Bill Gallagher comes Jamestown – the epic story of the first British settlers laying down the foundations for a New World and the start of the American dream. The settlement barely survived its first decade but is now on the brink of a new era with the arrival of Governor Sir George Yeardley. With him is a Charter granting land to the earliest male settlers in reward for their loyalty. He has also brought with him 90 women to ‘make wives’. These women have been shipped over to encourage settlers to marry and ensure that the colony flourishes. As this fledgling society evolves, we explore all that is good and ill about mankind, all set against the wild and beautiful backdrop of unspoilt Virginia.



角色介紹 Characters


Sophie Rundle
Alice,一個來自英國諾福克的鄉下女孩,對於即將來到的新生活感到不安。當她被分派嫁給一位有家暴習慣的丈夫時,她對未來的冀望淡然無存,直到她遇見丈夫的弟弟Silas …
Alice, a farm girl from Norfolk, isunfazed by her challenging new home.
When she suffers an unspeakabletorment at the hand of her intended
husband, she has to seek justice in aworld weighted against her and all
women. Betrothed to the unflinchingHenry Sharrow, Alice’s prospects look
bleak but she finds a reason to carry on- a blossoming romance with Henry’s
brother, Silas.


Stuart Martin
Silas Sharrow was one of the firstsettlers. He has grown from boy to man
on this land and has known little butdeference and hard work. When Alice
arrives in Jamestown, a rift emergesin his family and he has to learn the
true meaning of sacrifice. Faced witha love he had never considered, Silas
must become a man of humility andprinciples.


Naomi Battrick
具有良好教育,高等社會背景的她,可能是全 #詹姆士鎮中最機靈的女孩。但對於權力的渴望,使得她不甘於父權體制下的現狀,縱使她的丈夫Samuel已有一定的社經地位,她仍想用自己的心機巧詐在這塊土地上佔有一席之地…
Jocelyn is of higher social standing than most ofthe women and is perhaps the wiliest inall of Jamestown. Sophisticated, but with anunseemly thirst for power, she won’t let thepatriarchy spoil her plans for advancement.


Niamh Walsh
Verity arrives in Jamestown seekingdeliverance from her troubled past, so when
faced with Meredith Rutter the Tavern Keeperas a husband, she fears she’s made a terriblemistake in leaving England. Rebellious,unabashed and vehemently opposed toinjustice, Verity finds herself in conflictwith the authorities of the town, due to heroutspoken nature. Verity soon sees the realpotential of this beautiful land and knows ifshe is going to be part of this community,she must protect the people she loves.


Gwylim Lee
Samuel, Jocelyn’s husband, holds a reveredposition as Company Recorder. He is respected forhis diligence and admired for his kind manners;meaning the more calculating inhabitants of thetown underestimate him.He is mesmerized by Jocelyn’s strength ofcharacter but is always one step behind; his lackof boldness leaves Jocelyn seeking stimulationelsewhere.


Dean Lennox Kelly
Meredith Rutter, the Tavern Keeper, is amongstthe most benevolent landlords you’ll ever find. Hisverbal sparring and drunken blustering offers muchentertainment for his tavern regulars but he’s notto be underestimated; astute, there’s little that goes
unnoticed by Rutter. In precious moments of sobriety,Meredith finds a real affection for Verity, strengthenedby the adversity they have both overcome.


Jason Flemyng
Governor George Yeardley, close confidantof King James of England, returns to
Jamestown to right the fortunes of thisailing settlement. A force for change, his
arrival earns him several enemies. A strongand fair leader, but all men have a fault
and Yeardley is not above a little dirtydealing himself. Yeardley will find himself
establishing democracy for some, whilstenabling the servitude of others.