MOD 258


Buried: Knights Templar And The Holy Grail (S1)
2018/2/15起 每週四21:55首播

聖殿騎士團是中世紀最強大、最神秘的軍事組織 ,既是神的聖戰士,又是傳說中聖杯的守護者。但他們竟在一夜之間消失無蹤。兩名退伍軍人米奇凱和加思鮑德溫利用軍事技術,展開革命性的調查,想解決700年前的謎團。聖殿騎士團發生了什麼事?難道就像歷史上大家所說的,他們在1307年徹底被摧毀?還是他們達成了史上最厲害的潛逃,成功保住了聖杯?

The Knights Templar were the most powerful and secretive fighting force of the Middle Ages. God’s Holy Warriors – and legendary defenders of the Grail. Until they vanished overnight. Two former soldiers, Mikey Kaye and Garth Baldwin, launch a revolutionary investigation using military tactics and tech to solve a 700-year-old mystery… What happened to the Knights Templar? Were they completely destroyed in 1307, as history alleges? Or did they pull off the greatest escape in history and take the Grail with them?