最高機密的翻修工作開工囉!Cheryl Torrenueva, Roger Morin與他們的團隊將在36小時內,完成客戶房子中最主要區域的翻修工作,絕對令人嘆為觀止。節目巧妙之處在於客戶至始至終對這項翻修工程一無所知,直到他們返家之際一臉錯愕迎接驚喜! 這些客戶都是由他們家人大力推薦,即使人生有艱鉅挑戰,他們都秉持正向的態度積極面對。一起翻修向前衝吧!
Let the top-secret renovation begin! With just 36 hours, Cheryl Torrenueva, Roger Morin and the team will complete an incredible makeover in one major area of their client’s house. Slight twist– the client doesn’t know anything about the renovation until they arrive home with a shocked face! These clients, nominated by their family member, are people who’ve maintained their positive spirit despite challenges in life. Reno, set, go!