
巫師爭霸戰 第1季

Wizard Wars (S1)
2015/8/25起,每週二 20:00 首播
把每天日常事物交到魔術師的手裡,會有甚麼後果呢?Universal Channel全新魔術競賽節目登場,身懷絕技的魔術師比賽團隊,將正面對決,展現令人瞠目結舌的魔術…, 只使用最簡單與隨手可得的物件! 他們化日常為奇蹟,真的能將平淡無奇的東西,轉變成令人興奮的魔術嗎 ?
What happens when you put everyday objects into the hands of wizards? In Universal Channel’s new magic competition show, teams of talented magicians will face off against each other as they perform jaw-dropping illusions … using the simplest and randomest of items! Will they be able to transform the mundane into mind-blowing magic? 
