MOD 620

法網遊龍:特案組 第18季

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S18)
2017/10/5起 每週四20:00首播

《法網遊龍:特案組》重返螢幕,帶給觀眾更多充滿情感糾結,觸動人心的故事,發生地點都在紐約市警局特案組。該部門都是一群菁英探員,從事性犯罪相關的偵查工作。這個部門以Olivia Benson探長(瑪莉絲卡•哈吉泰擔綱演出)為首,經驗豐富的資深警官,以同理心與專業領導屬下,本身也是母親遭性侵後所生下的孩子。

Law & Order: VU is back with more hard-hitting, emotional stories that take place in the Special Victims Unit of the New York Police Department. Composed of an elite detectives squad, this department focuses on sexually based crime investigations. The Department is led by Lieutenant Olivia Benson (MariskaHargitay), a veteran who leads with empathy and professionalism as she herself, was a product of rape. 


角色介紹 Characters

Olivia Benson

Mariska Hargitay
本劇女主角一位雄心勃勃,但情感脆弱的警探一角。 Olivia不僅是為能幹的,深諳黑白兩道的警探;她是為有同理心的女人,能夠在情感上和遭受可怕罪行的受害者站在同一面,而又不會在專業表現上妥協。
 An ambitious and emotionally vulnerable detective. She is not only a competent, street-smart cop; she’s an empathetic woman who can respond emotionally to victims of terrible crimes without compromising her professionalism.