MOD 380


Lip Sync Battle
對嘴成為時下流行風潮,COMEDY CENTRAL為亞洲觀眾送上歐美當紅節目《名人對嘴生死鬥》(Lip Sync Battle),精彩預告的對嘴表演在網路上被瘋狂轉發,爆笑不間斷的完整節目你絕對不能錯過!由大牌A咖輪番上陣比拼,充分發揮巨星深藏的表演慾!由曾獲得兩次葛萊美獎的知名饒舌歌手LL Cool J以及名模克莉絲汀泰根作為主持搭檔,每一集將有兩位明星使出渾身解數進行對嘴競賽,安娜坎卓克、吉米法倫、艾蜜莉布朗、安海瑟薇、巨石強森、麥克泰森、約翰傳奇、皇后拉蒂法,眾多巨星將帶給你他們最瘋狂、最不為人知的一面。
The pop culture phenomenon of lip sync battling now has its very own hit series. Already a pop culture HIT and HUGE viral sensation, Lip Sync Battle brings forward some of the biggest A-List stars on the planet for a round of crazy, lip sync karaoke.
Each episode features celebrities going head-to-head, lip synching the song of their choice, battling for the coolest bragging rights on the planet. The series tapes from New York City and is hosted by entertainment icon and two-time Grammy® Award-winner LL Cool J and social media maven, Chrissy Teigen. Tune in to stars like Anna Kendrick, Jimmy Fallon, Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway, Stephen Merchant, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Mike Tyson, Tyler Crews, John Legend and Malin Akerman complete with their entourage of backup dancers and arsenal of props in the battle to win the fans over.
