總部設於紐約市警察局的第16 區 曼哈頓,《 法網遊龍:特案組 》 講述新精銳探員深入紐約地下世界的陰暗面,特殊案件小組(簡稱特案組)調查和起訴各種性罪行,包括強姦、戀童癖和家暴。他們還調查虐待兒童案,需要專門處理的殘疾人和老年人的非性犯罪受害者,同時試圖平衡調查對自己生活的影響,因為他們要嘗試不讓這些罪行的陰暗面影響他們。故事還涉及性別認同、性向和平權等有關政治和社會議題。受害者經常被謀殺,但亦有例外,受害者經常在劇中扮演重要角色。
Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non sexual crimes who require specialist handling, all while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives
as they try not to let the dark side of these crimes affect them. Its stories also touch on the political and societal issues associated with gender identity, sexual preferences, and equality rights. While the victim is often murdered, this is not always the case, and victims frequently play prominent roles in episodes.