
芝加哥烈焰 第4季

Chicago Fire (S4)
2015/10/15起 每週四21:00首播

當消防員幫芝加哥警署充當臥底,後續會如何發展呢? 在《芝加哥烈焰 》第4季,第51小隊將有重大改變。隨著Mills的離去,新血注定要加入。 同時,Dawson 發現自己懷孕了,促使她去找Casey,卻意外在他家中發現一具屍體。Casey真的犯案潛逃嗎?他們兩人會冰釋前嫌而破鏡重圓嗎?欲知結果,只有一個方法,準時收看才知道!



What happens when a fireman goes undercover for the Chicago PD? In Chicago Fire’s fourth season, Firehouse 51 will not be the same anymore. New blood is destined to come after Mills’ departure. Meanwhile, Dawson finds out her pregnancy, prompting her to go to Casey, only to find a dead body in his house. Is Casey running off from murder? Will Dawson get back with Casey despite their latest failed attempt? There’s only one way to find out!

“No matter what happens, no one from Firehouse 51 may go into that house. This is not a democracy, do you understand?” –Boden


角色介紹 Characters

Randy “ Mouch “ Mcholland

Christian Stolte

在本劇飾演Randy "Mouch" McHolland,一位會為了保護同事還有局裡最愛的沙發而不惜付出代價的資深消防員。

Christian Stolte stars as Randy "Mouch" McHolland, an experienced veteran who will do anything to protect his fellow firefighters - and his coveted spot on the firehouse couch.

Brian “ Otis “ Zvonecek

Yuri Sardarov

飾演本劇的Brian "Otis" Zvonecek,,五十一分局的雲梯救難員,有自己的podcast,分享自己的消防員智慧,受到聽眾喜愛。

Yuri Sardarov stars as Brian "Otis" Zvonecek, Firehouse 51's elevator rescue specialist who also runs a popular podcast where he shares his unique firefighter wisdom.

Joe Cruz

Joe Minoso

飾演Joe Cruz,出身芝加哥街頭,決定投入自己生命奉獻給分局,跟勇敢的同仁們一起出任務。他有個不為人知的兼職。

Joe Minoso stars as Joe Cruz, a product of Chicago's tough streets who has dedicated his life to serving with the brave men and women of the CFD. He has a secret side job.

Chief Wallace Boden

Eamonn Walker

飾演Battalion Chief Wallace Boden,是分局裡的指揮官,他必須處理一些重大個人抉擇。

Eamonn Walker stars as Battalion Chief Wallace Boden, a fireman's fireman who is confronted by important personal decisions.

Gabriela Dawson

Monica Raymund

飾演Gabriella Dawson,一位思緒敏捷,勇敢的救難醫療人員,和Matthew熱戀當中,努力要轉職成為一名消防隊員!

Monica Raymund stars as Gabriella Dawson, the fast-thinking, fearless paramedic, and she has a passionate relationship with Matthew and pays efforts to transfer to be a fire fighter.

Peter Mills

Charlie Barnett

在本劇中飾演Peter Mills,一位年輕,剛從學校畢業的消防隊員,來到這分局跟不同年齡層的隊員一起出任務。

Charlie Barnett stars as Peter Mills, a young new academy graduate who follows a long line of multi-generational firefighters.

Matthew Casey

Jesse Spencer

Jesse Spencer在本劇飾演Matthew Casey。一位強壯,仰賴直覺的消防車隊長。依舊陷在失去隊友的悲痛自責情結和得面對處理自身的感情問題。

Jesse Spencer stars as Matthew Casey, a strong, intuitive lieutenant who is still coming to grips with the loss of one of his men and grappling with relationship problems.

Kelly Severide

Taylor Kinney

Taylor Kinney飾演Kelly Severide,一位性急的救難分隊隊長,常在災難現場臨危不亂指揮任務。

Taylor Kinney stars as Kelly Severide, a brash lieutenant who runs the Rescue Squad with an unflappable veneer.