MOD 620

傲骨賢妻 第7季

The Good Wife (S7)
2015/10/05起 每週一21:25首播
律政影集女王領軍,帶領觀眾一窺Alicia Florrick(Julianna Margulies飾演)如何在公私生活之間權衡與抉擇。
第六季的最後一集,Finn放棄成為Alicia事業夥伴的決定,而想努力修補與疏離的妻子間的關係,以及坦言兩人間的愛慾吸引在無法自拔前最好就此斬斷。David Lee, Cary 和 Diane發現Louis Canning的太太,在公司擔任法務助理一職,所以將她炒魷魚,此舉惹怒Canning,他誓言摧毀公司。Alicia能否接受Canning的邀請,成為他的合夥人?
The Queen of the legal drama following the tough decisions facing Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) as she juggles the dilemmas of professional and personal life.
In the finale episode of season 6, Finn dropped his decision for a partnership with Alicia, citing his efforts to fix his relationship with his estranged wife and the sexual tension going on between the both of them. David Lee, Cary and Diane discovers that Louis Canning's wife is working as a paralegal in the firm and fires her, angering Canning who vowed to destroy the firm. Will Alicia take up Canning's offer to be a legal partner?



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